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Congratulations to the MSTP students who recently completed their thesis defenses!

Posted by on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 in Honors and Awards .

NameGraduate Program (Mentor)Dissertation
Natalie Bennett, PhDCancer Biology (Julie Rhoades, PhD)Characterizing Noel Tumor-Microenvironment Interactions in Gli2-Enriched Cancers
Simone Herzberg, PhDEpidemiology (Ayush Giri, MS, PhD)Investigating Causal Relationships of Diabetes and Obesity with Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear
Margaret McBride, PhDMolecular Pathology & Immunology (Edward Sherwood, MD, PhD)Mechanisms of Innate Immune Memory: Focus on the Immunometabolite Itaconate
Donald Okoye, PhDMolecular Pathology & Immunology (Sebastian Joyce, PhD)A Delicate Balance: Elucidating the Dynamics of the Immune Landscape in Response to Pulmonary Francisella tularensis Infection
Nicholas Petersen, PhDNeuroscience (Danny Winder, PhD)Mechanisms underlying control of wake-promoting dopamine neurons by norepinephrine and alcohol
Alex Silver, PhDCancer Biology (Michael Savona, MD)Combining insights from big data and gene-editing techniques to refine gene- and residue-level implications of clonal hematopoiesis mutations
Zack Williams, PhDNeuroscience (Tiffany Woynaroski, PhD and Carissa Cascio, PhD)Investigating the Nature of Decreased Sound Tolerance ("Sound Sensitivity") in Autistic and Non-autistic Adults
David Wu, PhDHuman Genetics (Nancy Cox, PhD)Combining methodologies for improving interpretability and generalizability of genomic investigations