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Posted by on Thursday, May 30, 2024 in Science Advocacy .

by Ericka Randazzo (G2)

On May 7th and 14th, the MSTP Outreach Committee coordinated the annual Mini-MSTP. Over the course of two days, more than 80 children from across Dickson County elementary schools and West End Middle School in Nashville participated in the event highlighting physician-scientist experiences. Stations were led by MSTP students and covered five different topics: engineering (thumb prosthetics), genetics (DNA extraction), anatomy (organ recital), physiology and medical imaging (physical exam and ultrasound), and medical knowledge (Jeopardy-style trivia). Students received a commemorative Mini MSTP training certificated at the end of the day and were eager to return for more! The Vanderbilt MSTP is grateful to the Zachary Scott Jones Foundation for their financial contribution to the Mini MSTP in honor of MSTP student Zach Jones who was dedicated to improving the lives of children.