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MSTPublications: September 2024

Posted by on Friday, September 27, 2024 in New Publications .

Pharmacologic Hedgehog inhibition modulates the cytokine profile of osteolytic breast cancer cells.
Bennett NE, Parker DV, Mangano RS, Baum JE, Northcutt LA, Miller JS, Beadle EP, Rhoades JA.
J Bone Oncol. 2024 Jul 28;47:100625. doi: 10.1016/j.jbo.2024.100625. eCollection 2024 Aug.

The establishment and progression of bone metastatic breast cancer is supported by immunosuppressive myeloid populations that enable tumor growth by dampening the innate and adaptive immune response. Much work remains to understand how to target these tumor-myeloid interactions to improve treatment outcomes. Noncanonical Hedgehog signaling is an essential component of bone metastatic tumor progression, and prior literature suggests a potential role for Hedgehog signaling and its downstream effector Gli2 in modulating immune responses. In this work, we sought to identify if inhibition of noncanonical Hedgehog signaling alters the cytokine profile of osteolytic breast cancer cells and the subsequent communication between the tumor cells and myeloid cells. Examination of large patient databases revealed significant relationships between Gli2 expression and expression of markers of myeloid maturation and activation as well as cytokine expression. We found that treatment with HPI-1 reduced tumor cell expression of numerous cytokine genes, including CSF1, CSF2, and CSF3, as well as CCL2 and IL6. Secreted CSF-1 (M-CSF) was also reduced by treatment. Changes in tumor-secreted factors resulted in polarization of THP-1 monocytes toward a proinflammatory phenotype, characterized by increased CD14 and CD40 surface marker expression. We therefore propose M-CSF as a novel target of Hedgehog inhibition with potential future applications in altering the immune microenvironment in addition to its known roles in reducing tumor-induced bone disease.


Challenges of Imaging the Greater Occipital Nerve Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Reddy A, Saad M, Kassis S, Assi P, Thayer WP, Esteve IVM.
Ann Plast Surg. 2024 Sep 1;93(3S Suppl 2):S130-S131. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000004086.

Migraine headaches are a significant global health concern, frequently managed with varying levels of success. Compression of the greater occipital nerve (GON) is hypothesized to contribute to pathology in some migraine patients, making extracranial nerve decompression surgery a potential intervention for refractory cases. However, accurate methods to image the GON along its tortuous course still need to be explored. Our group has developed magnetic resonance imaging sequences to track the GON. Yet, many challenges were met, which included navigating the GON’s complex anatomy, understanding anatomical variants, and designing advanced magnetic resonance imaging sequences and coils to image the posterior scalp. Addressing these hurdles is vital to capture and understand GON pathology and guide potential interventions.


Subset-specific mitochondrial stress and DNA damage shape T cell responses to fever and inflammation.
Heintzman DR, Sinard RC, Fisher EL, Ye X, Patterson AR, Elasy JH, Voss K, Chi C, Sugiura A, Rodriguez-Garcia GJ, Chowdhury NU, Arner EN, Krystoviak ES, Mason FM, Toudji YT, Steiner KK, Khan W, Olson LM, Jones AL, Hong HS, Bass L, Beier KL, Deng W, Lyssiotis CA, Newcomb DC, Bick AG, Rathmell WK, Wilson JT, Rathmell JC.
Sci Immunol. 2024 Sep 20;9(99):eadp3475. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.adp3475. Epub 2024 Sep 20.

Association Between Postsurgical Functional Connectivity and Seizure Outcome in Patients With Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Akbarian B, Sainburg LE, Janson A, Johnson G, Doss DJ, Rogers BP, Englot DJ, Morgan VL.
Neurology. 2024 Oct 8;103(7):e209816. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209816. Epub 2024 Sep 3.

Learning site-invariant features of connectomes to harmonize complex network measures.
Newlin NR, Kanakaraj P, Li T, Pechman K, Archer D, Jefferson A; BIOCARD Study Team; Landman B, Moyer D.
Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2024 Feb;12930:129302E. doi: 10.1117/12.3009645. Epub 2024 Apr 2.

Inter-vendor harmonization of CT reconstruction kernels using unpaired image translation.
Krishnan AR, Xu K, Li T, Gao C, Remedios LW, Kanakaraj P, Lee HH, Bao S, Sandler KL, Maldonado F, IĆĄgum I, Landman BA.
Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2024 Feb;12926:129261D. doi: 10.1117/12.3006608. Epub 2024 Apr 2.

Nucleus subtype classification using inter-modality learning.
Remedios LW, Bao S, Remedios SW, Lee HH, Cai LY, Li T, Deng R, Cui C, Li J, Liu Q, Lau KS, Roland JT, Washington MK, Coburn LA, Wilson KT, Huo Y, Landman BA.
Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2024 Feb;12933:129330F. doi: 10.1117/12.3006237. Epub 2024 Apr 3.

Characterization of Porcine Immunoglobulin Deposition in Human Livers Recovered Using a Xenogeneic Cross-Circulation.
Shishido Y, Tracy KM, Wu WK, Cortelli M, Petrovic M, Harris TR, Simon V, Francois S, Tucker WD, Petree BS, Cardwell NL, Ukita R, Demarest CT, Alexopoulos SP, Shaver CM, Bacchetta M.
ASAIO J. 2024 Sep 18. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000002311. Online ahead of print.

The Departmental Scholarly Index: A Metric of Research Productivity.
James AJ, Popa N, Reddy AP, Torres-Guzman RA, Perdikis G, Lineaweaver WC.
Ann Plast Surg. 2024 Sep 1;93(3S Suppl 2):S127-S129. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000004083.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Techniques and Applications for Peripheral Nerve Injury.
Chaker SC, Reddy AP, King D, Manzanera Esteve IV, Thayer WP.
Ann Plast Surg. 2024 Sep 1;93(3S Suppl 2):S113-S115. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000004055.

Longitudinal Symptom Burden and Pharmacologic Management of Catatonia in Autism with and without Profound Impairment: An Observational Study.
Smith JR, Lim S, Bindra S, Marler S, Rajah B, Williams ZJ, Baldwin I, Hossain N, Wilson JE, Fuchs DC, Luccarelli J.
medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Sep 6:2024.09.05.24312724. doi: 10.1101/2024.09.05.24312724.