33rd Annual National MD/PhD Student Conference
Jul. 27, 2018—The 33rd annual National MD/PhD Student Conference was once again held this year in Keystone, Colorado. Hosted by the University of Colorado MSTP and organized by 3rd year students, this conference seeks to bring together MD/PhD students from across the country to present their research while also interacting with other students and prominent researchers. This...
Life in the MSTP – June 2018
Jun. 27, 2018—Chris Peek (G1) and Jenny Marvin got engaged in Iceland! MSTP Program Manager Bryn Sierra, husband David, and big sister Elin (3 years old) welcomed Olivia Wren on June 17, 2018. Olivia weighed 5 lbs., 8 oz. and was 18 inches long. Congratulations to the Sierra family! Lizzie Flook (G1, formerly Hale) married Ryan Flook...
Meet the Students in the MSTP Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Jun. 27, 2018— This summer the Vanderbilt MSTP is hosting 6 undergraduate students as part of our MSTP Summer Undergraduate Research Program. This summer program is designed to expose students from diverse backgrounds to the career of a physician-scientist and help prepare them to be competitive future applicants for MD/PhD programs. These students are on campus for...
Words of Wisdom from the Vanderbilt MSTP 2018 Graduating Class
Jun. 27, 2018—We asked our recent graduates to pass along words of wisdom to the our MSTP students still in training. Here is what they had to say. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Mentor over project. Fail, Fail, Fail – it’s the only way to learn. Repetition is the branding iron of knowledge. Be honest with everyone,...
Meet the Vanderbilt MSTP Incoming Class of 2018!
Jun. 27, 2018—The Vanderbilt MSTP is excited to introduce the incoming class of 2018, who started the program orientation on June 19th. They hail from all over the world, and we are delighted to have such a diverse group of people join our program. Welcome, new M1s! (Above from left to right. Back row – Matt Loberg, Donald Okoye, Emily Chu, Seth Reasoner,...
2018 Combining Clinical and Research Careers in Neuroscience Symposium at NIH
Jun. 27, 2018—The annual Combining Clinical and Research Careers (CCRC) in Neuroscience Symposium was held June 8-9 at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. Sponsored by the Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN) and NINDS, this event supports 50 MD/PhD and MD students from across the country with significant research experience and interest in a pursuing a...
MSTPublications: June 2018
Jun. 27, 2018—Congratulations to all of our MSTP students on their successful publications! Take a look at the great work our students are doing. First Author Ph.D. Research: Learning Implicit Brain MRI Manifolds with Deep Learning. Bermudez C, Plassard AJ, Davis TL, Newton AT, Resnick SM, Landman BA. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2018 Mar;10574. pii: 105741L. doi: 10.1117/12.2293515....
Honors and Awards – June 2018
Jun. 27, 2018—We love to recognize the exciting professional accomplishments of our Vanderbilt MSTP students! Congratulations to Jack Walker (G2) and Benjamin Brown (G1) on receiving F30 NRSA fellowships!
Students Inspire Young Scientists through the 2018 “Mini-MSTP”!
May. 30, 2018—by Krystian Kozek (G4) This May, the Vanderbilt Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) hosted 80 students from Dickson County schools and 80 students from LEAD Academy Southeast in Nashville for a one-day crash-course on what it means to be a physician-scientist. The Miniature Medical Scientist Training Program, aka the Mini-MSTP, is an outreach event made...
Life in the MSTP – May 2018
May. 29, 2018—Congratulations to Carter and Alex Sundermann (G3) on the birth of their baby girl, Emery Clare, born on May 22, 2018 weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz.! Maggie Grau (M1) and Matthew McBride married in their hometown of Chardon, Ohio on April 28. The MSTP M1s joined them to celebrate! On Tuesday, May 29 the Vanderbilt MSTP celebrated “halftime”...