Life in the MSTP
Life in the MSTP – July 2023
Jul. 30, 2023—Avery-Cohen went to Top Golf as a college advising event with faculty advisor Dr. Ben Park! A group of M1s bonded at a hot yoga event and hope to make this a weekly event! After white water rafting during VUSM orientation, some M1s took a detour at the Little Debbie Park in Collegedale, TN!
Jul. 30, 2023—Emma Fritsch (M1) has 3 sugar gliders named Minccino (Minchy), Togepi (Togi), and Eevee. They love to eat sweet things and glide around! Peyton Hickman (M1) and his wife recently got a sweet puppy! Name: Vandy Age: 9 weeks old Breed: Bichon-poo Other facts: Major Tennessee Vols fan! Favorite toy is a stuffed yellow duck.
Life in the MSTP – June 2023
Jun. 24, 2023—New MSTP student, Katie Burelbach (M1) became Mrs. Katie Caja when she married Steve Caja on May 20, 2023. Congratulations Katie and Steve! Congratulations to Thomas Li (G3) and Aiwei Yan on their recent wedding! Sutherland-Watkins went to brew at the zoo for an advising college trip! MSTP students, friends, and...
Life in the MSTP – May 2023
May. 30, 2023—The G2 Class received their extremely important and official M.P. degrees at their Halftime Celebration! Graham (G4) & Leah Johnson welcomed baby girl Rowan to their family! Ayaka Suguira’s (M4) son James training for the Vanderbilt MSTP Class of 2050! Avery-Cohen hosted a college wide gathering at Hopdoddy Burger Bar! An Edwards-Goodpasture family got together to celebrate Evonne McArthur (’23) matching...
MSTP Day at Shade Tree
May. 30, 2023—by Nada Elsayed (G1) On April 29, the MSTP took over Shade Tree Clinic. We had fourteen trainees from all different phases of the program serve as pre-clinical students, clinical students, and staff! With the help of two attending physician-scientists, Dr. Dan Roden and Dr. Ben Ho Park, our students provided complete primary care...
May. 30, 2023—Copper was voted the 2nd cutest pet (aka THE cutest cat!) out of 32 contestants in the transinstitutional Vanderbilt Tournament of Pets!!! His mom, Ansley Kunnath (G2), is very proud of his accomplishment despite the fact that all orange cats share 1 single brain cell.
Life in the MSTP – April 2023
Apr. 26, 2023— One of our big-little families had a going-away dinner party for Ben Fowler (+Jay Kang) and Kelsey McNew (M4’s) last night, who were our MSTP family matriarch and patriarch! Ben and Kelsey are pictured with the poster Kelsey made for Ben back in 2017, and Drew Kittleson (G1) and Sharon Fernandez (M2) got plants from Ben and...
Life in the MSTP – March 2023
Mar. 31, 2023—Our MSTP classmates had a wonderful time at Cadaver Ball! Cadaver Ball is held the day after Match to celebrate our outgoing M4s. Emily Chu (G3) received the Graduate Leadership Institute Dissertation Enhancement Grant which funded her travel to a collaborator’s laboratory at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle! There, she learned new laboratory...
Life in the MSTP – February 2023
Feb. 27, 2023— Connor Beebout (M4) and his wife Alex (postdoc) welcomed their new son Aaron into the world on January 28! Zachary Ewell (M1), played Toccata and Fugue in D minor, often referred to as “Dorian,” by Johann Sebastian Bach, on the organ for the BRET 2022 Winter Showcase. Recently the M1 and M4...
Life in the MSTP – January 2023
Jan. 31, 2023—The G4 class made bao and watched House of the Dragon together! Edwards-Goodpasture hosted a Tie Dye Party for their recent College Advisory Board (CAB) Day at MSTP seminar! To kickoff MSTP Seminar for the year, the MSTP Wellness Committee hosted a “Create & Reflect” day where everyone potted plants and reflected on the growth...