Life in the MSTP
Aug. 30, 2022—The M1 class gathered for “Dosas and Mimosas” to celebrate Anvith’s cat Dosa’s second birthday!
Jul. 29, 2022— Natalie Bennett (G4) and Greg Soble welcomed home Miso (gray) and Mochi (Tuxedo), who are getting along great with big sisters Cleo, Eevee, and Kasey!
We’re all #MSTPstars!
Jul. 29, 2022—#MSTPstar features a selection of some of amazing things we do in our real lives: finding new/enjoying old study spots, making time to purchase food so our bodies have calories, remembering where we parked our car, etc. Submit your #MSTPstar here. Roommates Aamina Dandy (M1) and Hannah Giannini (M1) received their new stethoscopes and are ready...
Life in the MSTP – July 2022
Jul. 29, 2022— The MSTP Summer Scholars were joined by MSTP students for trivia at Von Elrod’s! Despite all the brain power the team took 4th place. A few of our M1 MSTPs (Landon Clark, Bruno Lanca, Bruno Hidalgo, Stirling Argabright, Anvith Reddy, and Emma Hope) joined the M1 Vanderbilt medical students and placed second in...
We’re all #MSTPstars!
Jun. 30, 2022—#MSTPstar features a selection of some of amazing things we do in our real lives: finding new/enjoying old study spots, making time to purchase food so our bodies have calories, remembering where we parked our car, etc. Submit your #MSTPstar here. M1s Danielle Liu, Hannah Giannini, and Dayle Wang added new plants to their journeys...
Life in the MSTP – June 2022
Jun. 29, 2022—Drs. Rachel Brown (M4) and Matthew Stier (’19) celebrated their wedding on May 28th at the Bridge Building in downtown Nashville. Dr. Kevin Bersell (’18) officiated the ceremony! Our M1.9’s and M2’s got together for a dinner at Degthai to celebrate nearing the end of both school years!
Life in the MSTP – May 2022
May. 31, 2022—A successful MSTP happy hour at Fat Bottom Brewing Co. Congratulations to Seth (G2) and Claire Lo Reasoner on getting married earlier this month! Simone Herzberg (G2) went on a national park road trip MSTP students Nowrin Chowdhury (G3), Camille Wang (G3), Christiaan Wijers (G4), Natalie Bennett (G3), and Leon Cai (G3) won first place at...
Life in the MSTP – April 2022
Apr. 29, 2022— Members of the G3 class traveled to Puerto Rico to attend classmate Nick Petersen’s wedding! Congratulations Nick and Josh! Kelsey McNew (M4) worked with resident Laura Armstrong (PhD ’17, MD ’19, Vandy Peds Neuro PGY3) on neurology this month
Apr. 4, 2022—Emily Chu (G2) and Matt Cottam (IGP) welcomed a lovely Lily into their ever growing pet family!
Life in the MSTP – March 2022
Apr. 4, 2022—Our MSTP classmates had a wonderful time at Cadaver Ball, the first since 2019!! Cadaver Ball is held the day after Match to celebrate our outgoing M4s. Brynna Paulukaitis (G5) and her husband Scott welcomed precious baby Marissa to the world early this month, congratulations! Christiaan Wijers (G4) became a U.S. citizen! Congratulations! ...