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Clara Si (she/her)

Jim Cassat Lab, G4

Email: clara(dot)d(dot)si(at)vanderbilt(dot)edu (substitute symbols where appropriate)

Graduate Program: Microbe-Host Interactions

Hometown: Toronto, Canada

Undergraduate Institution: New York University

Research Interests: I am interested in host-pathogen interactions. Specifically, I study RANKL signaling in regulating the intracellular antibacterial response in monocyte-lineage cells.

MSTP Leadership: College Advisory Board, DIB, Student Advisory Committee, Leadership Workshop I, SEMSS

Hobbies/Interests: When I’m not in lab (or trying to get some clinic/OR time), 99% of the time you’ll find me getting a lift in at the gym, cooking up a feast in the kitchen, or hanging out with my husband (James), dog (River), and cat (Fig Blossom).

