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Ericka Randazzo (she/her)

Kendal Broadie Lab, G3

Email:  Ericka(dot)J(dot)Randazzo(at)vanderbilt(dot)edu (substitute symbols where appropriate)

Graduate Program: Neuroscience

Hometown: Norwalk, CT

Undergraduate Institution: University of Connecticut

Research Interests: I am interested in signaling at the neuromuscular junction in neuromuscular disorders. Currently my work focuses on studying the defects in neuromuscular signaling in a Drosophila model of dysferlinopathy.

MSTP Leadership: Outreach Committee, MSTP Undergraduate Mentoring Program, Events Committee, Wellness Committee

Hobbies/Interests: I’m very passionate about running. I run for an elite national team and hope to continue running long-term. I also love puns and enjoy spending time walking my cat, Ozzie.
