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Max Van Belkum

Mariana Byndloss Lab, G2


Graduate Program: Molecular Pathology & Immunology

Hometown: Destin, FL

Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida

Research Interests: Max is interested in studying the intersection of intestinal function, microbiota, mucosal immunity, metabolism, nutrition, microbiology, and human disease. He is interested especially in the potential role of microbiota in metabolic syndrome and in the etiology of the increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in individuals below 50 years of age. He plans to become an academic gastroenterologist physician-scientist with both clinical duties and a laboratory to one day bridge the exploding basic science findings in the microbiome field with the relative dearth of clinical treatments currently derived from them.

MSTP Leadership: SEMSS

Hobbies/Interests: In his free time, Max rollerblades on bike trails, plays ping-pong and tennis, tends to his corgi dog, and spends time with friends in Nashville.

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