Stephanie Odette Dudzinski, M.D., Ph.D.
Todd Giorgio/Jeff Rathmell Lab, 2021 Grad
Residency: Radiation Oncology at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Graduate Program: Biomedical Engineering
Hometown: Peculiar, MO
Undergraduate Institution: Duke University
Research Interests: I am interested in methods to enhance immunotherapy efficacy and factors that affect immunotherapy efficacy. Clinically, I am interested in studying the combination of radiation therapy and immunotherapy to decrease patient disease burden and increase the abscopal effect.
Dissertation: Leptin Repolarizes Tumor-Associated Macrophages to Boost Immunotherapy Efficacy in Obesity
MSTP Leadership: MSTP Admissions Subcommittee, Student Advisorty Committee
Hobbies/Interests: USTA Tennis Leagues, Vanderbilt Medical School Dance/Social and Latin Dance, Foodie (Visited >350 Nashville Restaurants with Sumeeth Jonathan)