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Michael de Riesthal

Associate Professor
Director, Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute
Associate Director of the PhD Program


  • B.S., 1997, Northwestern University, IL
  • M.S., 1999, Vanderbilt University, TN
  • Ph.D., 2003, Vanderbilt University, TN


Michael de Riesthal, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an Associate Professor in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), and Director of the Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute. Prior to returning to Vanderbilt University he was a Senior Speech-Language Pathologist at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and an affiliate of the VA RR&D Brain Rehabilitation Research Center in Gainesville, FL.

Dr. de Riesthal’s clinical and research interests include the management of neurologic speech, language, and cognitive disorders. In addition to directing Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute, he is a founding member of the interdisciplinary traumatic brain injury clinic at VUMC and provides services in the interdisciplinary Huntington’s disease clinic. He teaches courses on the management of aphasia, motor speech disorders and traumatic brain injury, and mentors doctoral student research in these clinical areas. He has published papers and book chapters on the topics of traumatic brain injury, motor speech disorders, aphasia, and progressive language disorders, and has presented many scholarly papers in the area of neurologic communication disorders throughout the United States.