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Sarah Schneck

PhD Candidate

Education: BS, Northeastern University (Boston, MA); MS, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (Nashville, TN)

Hobbies: Crafting, staying active, and passionately cheering on a mixture of Philadelphia and Boston sports teams.

Research Description:  I am interested in how language is organized in the brain, how this may change in post-stroke aphasia, and how speech-language pathology can best support individual recovery trajectories in post-stroke aphasia.


Wilson, S. M., & Schneck, S. M. (2021). Neuroplasticity in post-stroke aphasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional imaging studies of reorganization of language processing. Neurobiol Lang. 2(1), 22-82.

Wilson, S. M., Eriksson, D. K., Brandt, T. H., Schneck, S. M., Lucanie, J. M., Burchfield, A. S., Charney, S., Quillen, I. A., de Riesthal, M., Kirshner, H. S., Beeson, P. M., Ritter, L. & Kidwell, C. S. (2019). Patterns of recovery from aphasia in the first two weeks after stroke. J Speech Lang Hear Res, 62(3), 723-32.

Wilson, S. M., Eriksson, D. K., Yen, M., DeMarco, A. T., Schneck, S. M., & Lucanie, J. M. (2019). Language mapping in aphasia. J Speech Lang Hear Res, 62(11), 3937-3946.

Wilson, S. M., Eriksson, D. K., Schneck, S. M., & Lucanie, J. M. (2018). A quick aphasia battery for efficient, reliable, and multidimensional assessment of language function. PLOS ONE, 13(2), e0192773.