Life in the MSTP
MSTP Celebrations – April
Apr. 27, 2017—MSTP Celebrations Vanderbilt MSTP students and the Leadership Team enjoyed Ben & Jerry's ice cream, games and fun at the ice cream social on April 17! Vanderbilt MSTP students participated in the Shade Tree Trot fundraiser for Shade Tree Clinic on April 22! #pediatrics Megan Williams (MSTP Leadership Team) and husband...
Welcome from your SLW hosts!
Mar. 16, 2017—Welcome from your SLW hosts! Congratulations on being accepted to the Vandy MSTP! The application cycle year is long, difficult, and anxiety-provoking. But now is the time to sit back and enjoy the ride because no matter what, you will become physician-scientists 🙂 We are all looking forward to your visit to Nashville over Second Look...
Festivals in Nashville
Mar. 16, 2017—Festivals in Nashville There is a lot more to Nashville than just country music and cowboy hats. Here is just a selection of monthly activities that showcase Nashville’s vibrant food, music, and culture. January – New Year’s Eve Celebration Celebrate the New Year in Nashville! This year, the celebration moved to Bicentennial Park. Over...
MSTP Celebrations – March
Mar. 14, 2017—MSTP Celebrations Brynna Paulukaitis Eisele (M2) married Scott Eisele (Vanderbilt Electrical Engineering PhD student) on February 25th in Atlanta, GA. Congratulations, Brynna and Scott! Thanks to the organizational efforts of Sumeeth Jonathan (G2), Cam Bermudez (G1) and Melissa Krasnove, the students and leadership of the Vanderbilt MSTP are sporting wonderful and comfortable new jackets! ...
MSTP Celebrations – February
Feb. 27, 2017—MSTP Celebrations – February The Vanderbilt MSTP wants to help celebrate these exciting events in our students lives! The M1 class gathered for a potluck at the house of Melissa Krasnove from the MSTP Leadership Team. They really enjoyed playing with Melissa’s kids, Alex, who knows the mascots of all the basketball teams, and Natalie,...
Mental Health at Vanderbilt: Updates from the Chancellor’s Committee and the MSTP Wellness Committee
Feb. 27, 2017—Mental Health at Vanderbilt: Updates from the Chancellor’s Committee and the MSTP Wellness Committee The rates of mental illness in medical professionals are significantly greater than those of the general population. Recent epidemiological studies suggest that this increased risk begins during medical school, with 27% of medical students having depression, 11% having suicidal ideation, and...
The Academic #Twitter
Feb. 27, 2017—The Academic #twitter Jennifer Watchmaker (@jennwatch) is a third year graduate student interested in pursuing a career in radiology. She began her academic twitter account in 2014 and now has over 350 followers and growing. Her social media presence on twitter has helped her connect with other investigators and clinicians, find out about the most...
MSTP Foodies: Easy Recipes
Feb. 27, 2017—If cooking complicated meals is something you love to do, and enjoy spending your time on, that’s awesome. However, whether you’re studying for exams, on the wards, or living in the lab, sometimes you just don’t have a lot of free time. If you’re like me, and you spend what little free time you have...
Op-Ed: Why We Marched
Jan. 31, 2017—Op-Ed: Why We Marched On January 21st, over 50 Vanderbilt medical students donned their white coats and pink hats and joined Power Together Tennessee’s Nashville march and rally held in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington. The goal of the march was to “send a bold message to our new administration on their first...
MSTP Foodies: Restaurant Reviews
Jan. 30, 2017—Garden Brunch Café This delightful restaurant in Germantown was one of the first restaurants in Nashville that we went to together, and it is a restaurant we always take guests to when they come to visit. This restaurant is only open Friday through Sunday, but wow do they know how to make a perfect breakfast....