Student Spotlight
Op-Ed: Checking in, not out: holding on to humanity as a doubledoc in today’s world
Mar. 29, 2019—by Ayesha Muhammad (G1) Friday, March 15th, 2019 was a wonderful day across medical schools everywhere. Here at Vanderbilt, we cheered and applauded not only our wonderful MD classmates who matched to amazing residency programs, but also celebrated the hard work of all our MSTP colleagues, who, after 7 to 9 gruelling years of work,...
Flexner Deans’ Lecture Series Student Lecture: Pedro Teixeira, PhD
Mar. 28, 2019—by Danny Sack (G1) On Friday, March 22nd, Pedro Teixeira, PhD, presented a Flexner Deans’ Lecture on, “Lessons From Launching a Startup to Bring Artificial Intelligence to the Bedside (and write your notes)”. As we’ve reported in the past, Teixeira and his partners, Drs. Ravi Atreya and Michael Poku, have spent the past few years...
Twitter Takeovers: A Day in the Life of a Vanderbilt MSTP Trainee
Feb. 26, 2019—Our MSTP students have been Tweeting from our official @VanderbiltMSTP Twitter account for a day to give prospective students an idea of what life is like as an MSTP trainee at Vanderbilt! Click here to see a day in the life of Katherine Konvinse (G4). Click here to see a day in the life of Kelsey...
Catching Up with Pedro Texeira and Ravi Atreya
Dec. 18, 2018—A conversation transcribed by Abin Abraham (G2) Ravi Atreya and Pedro Teixeira are current MSTP students on a leave from coursework to pursue their dream of launching a startup focused on addressing major problems in health care delivery. We caught up with them to learn more about their journey. Ravi and Pedro successfully defended their...
Meet the Vanderbilt MSTP Incoming Class of 2018!
Jun. 27, 2018—The Vanderbilt MSTP is excited to introduce the incoming class of 2018, who started the program orientation on June 19th. They hail from all over the world, and we are delighted to have such a diverse group of people join our program. Welcome, new M1s! (Above from left to right. Back row – Matt Loberg, Donald Okoye, Emily Chu, Seth Reasoner,...
Op-Ed: My Personal “Struggle:” Welcoming Ramadan as a Clerkship Student
Apr. 27, 2018—The life of a clerkship student, at the risk of sounding ungrateful, can sometimes be frustrating. Yes, you come to realize what wearing a white coat is all about: patients trust you with information, you learn a new language of “clinical-speak” and start forgetting how to talk to non-healthcare professionals, and you learn so much,...
Student Spotlight: Paula Marincola Smith
Feb. 26, 2018—While a medical student at Vanderbilt, Paula Marincola Smith thought, more than once, about joining the MSTP. She eventually convinced herself against the idea, not being settled on a single career path and having no laboratory research experience. She was intrigued by science; but, instead of spending time in lab, she immersed herself in medicine,...
Student Spotlight: Science and Art with Ayaka Sugiura (G2)
Feb. 23, 2018—Student Spotlight: Science and Art with Ayaka Sugiura (G2) In July of last year, artwork by Ayaka Sugiura (G2) was featured on the cover of Cell Metabolism, accompanying a review titled, “Similarities and Distinctions of Cancer and Immune Metabolism in Inflammation and Tumors,” by Gabriela Andrejeva, Ph.D., a post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Ayaka’s...
MSTP G1 Students Share Lab Selections
Dec. 20, 2016—The Vanderbilt MSTP would like to congratulate the incoming class of 2014 on completing their first two years of medical school and on joining the following laboratories & departments for their graduate studies: Student Department Mentor Camilo Bermudez Biomedical Engineering Bennett Landman, PhD Caleb Ford Biomedical Engineering James Cassat, MD, PhD Hernan Gonzales Biomedical Engineering...
Science Policy and Advocacy – A Trip to Capitol Hill
Nov. 29, 2016—In October, I attended a two-day workshop on federal STEM policy and advocacy in Washington, D.C., an incredibly eye-opening experience organized annually by Vanderbilt University’s Office of Federal Relations. My motivation to apply for this workshop was fueled primarily by my (for lack of a better word) ignorance of how science policy is influenced through...