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Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO) (Application Deadline: 10/15/2017)

Posted by on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 in Uncategorized .

Today's Science Student Tomorrow's Leader

The National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is the second largest Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIAID is recognized worldwide for cutting-edge medical and scientific research. Our research programs aim to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of immunological, allergic, and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

Want to improve global health in the 21st century? NIAID wants to train you.

The Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO) program is for students with strong academic standing who are from populations underrepresented in biomedical research. Candidates who are a senior, medical school student, or doctoral candidate, and from a population underrepresented in the biomedical sciences are eligible.

Selected applicants will:
• Interview with scientists for potential research training positions. • Hear scientific lectures from world-renowned scientists.
• See our state-of-the-science laboratories.

This annual 4-day exploratory program takes place in Bethesda, Maryland, on the NIH campus in early February. Student expenses for travel, hotel accommodations, and meals will be paid.

Applications are being accepted between September 1 and October 15.

To learn more about INRO, to check eligibility, and to apply, visit: http:l/ 

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