Social Mission

Medicine means more than memorizing anatomy diagrams and identifying the symptoms of a disease. Being an excellent physician means attending to the holistic needs of your patients—including those shaped by social factors.
The Social Mission Committee (SMC), one of the four pillar student organizations at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM), works to further the mission of promoting health equity in the communities we serve. Our mission is as follows:
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine empowers students, faculty, and staff to actively partner with individuals and communities to achieve health equity.
Our philosophy is to educate diverse, socially, and culturally accountable future physician leaders who understand the complex systems of care and the impact of social determinants of health.
By advocating for the holistic care of all individuals, addressing their social and health needs, and working towards broader systemic changes, our physicians will promote equity and justice in both local and global communities.
Executive directors lead six subcommittees focused on creating and enacting innovative visions for healthcare and medical education, drawing support from countless medical students who actively participate in events and initiatives.
Goal: Enhance structural and cultural humility within the School of Medicine curriculum and expand opportunities for meaningful clinical engagement with underserved populations.
Ongoing initiatives:
- Medical Student Guide to Advocating for Patients: A student-developed guide to addressing the social needs of patients, including local resources, that continues to evolve and expand.
- Race in Medicine Curriculum: Incorporation of continuous curriculum components that explore structural racism and its intersection with medicine through lectures, discussions, and case-based learning.
Goal: Foster mentoring relationships across various levels of training through programs and events.
Ongoing initiatives:
- 615 Pre-Med: Virtual advising series for premed students in the Nashville area
- Mentorship in Medicine: One-on-one mentoring program for students at undergraduate institutions in Vanderbilt’s pipeline program (Berea, Fisk, Morehouse, and Spelman).
- Events: Advocacy Writing Workshop, Faculty Mentor Discussion Series, Book Club.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Goal: Evaluate the impact of SMC on the Vanderbilt community, understand the broader national social mission climate in medical education, and promote SMC work through publications and conferences.
Ongoing initiatives:
- VUSM Health Equity Needs Assessment: A survey to gather student attitudes and perspectives on current health equity efforts at VUSM.
- SMC Annual Report: A summary of SMC’s progress and activities over the past academic year.
Goal: Improve diversity within the medical profession and the Vanderbilt community students from underrepresented groups and those passionate about health justice, equity, service, and advocacy.
Ongoing initiatives:
- Serve as an umbrella for various identity groups to streamline efforts for recruiting diverse students into the medical field.
Goal: Increase student exposure to health equity research and connect students with mentors who guide them towards careers combining research and social justice.
Ongoing initiatives:
- Health Equity Research Panels: Opportunities to hear from upper-level students, VUMC faculty, and other researchers about ongoing health equity research projects at Vanderbilt and beyond.
- Research Curriculum Update: Collaborating with course directors to integrate health equity and community-based research principles into introductory research courses.
Goal: Coordinate service efforts across VUSM and establish partnerships with local community organizations to provide students with longitudinal service-learning opportunities.
Ongoing initiatives:
- Community Partnerships: Ongoing service opportunities with Siloam Health Clinic, Dismas House, Nashville Tree Foundation, and more.
- MLK Day of Service: A yearly service event available to all medical students in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Please email the Social Mission Committee for more information