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Rise to the Challenge Together – National Healthcare for the Homeless Council Training Symposium (Symposium Date: 10/04/2017)

Posted by on Thursday, August 31, 2017 in Uncategorized .

Join us at our Fall Training Symposium on October 4, 2017, in Nashville, TN, for a critical discussion with national thought-leaders in homeless health care: "What Do We Need to Do to End Homelessness?"

Housing instability has hit an all-time high in some American cities, and a number of communities have declared "homeless states of emergency." We must confront this issue together, and this workshop will help you sort through the jumbled facts, figures, and media in our field to discern real paths to end homelessness. 

Whether you are a provider, advocate, and administrator, you should find useful information in this moderated discussion featuring:

Brandon Clark, MBA, CEO, Circle the City, Phoenix, AZ
Debbian Fletcher-Blake, APRN, FNP, Independent Health Care Consultant
Valarie Dowell, BA, National Consumer Advisory Board Peer Advocate, Cincinnati Health Network, Chicago, IL
Bobby Watts, MPH, MS, CPH, CEO, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Moderator: Barbara DiPietro, PhD, Senior Policy Director, National Health Care for the Homeless Council

This plenary will conclude a one-day Symposium packed with eight intensive sessions in homelessness and health care with experts from organizations such as the Tennessee Justice Center and Capital Link. Join us as we rise together to confront the challenges facing the homeless health care community.
