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American Red Cross – Donate Blood and Volunteer! – (11/06/17)

Posted by on Thursday, October 26, 2017 in Uncategorized .

Location: Sarratt 325/327
Date and Time: Mon, Nov. 6 @11:30am-3:30pm 
What: Come donate blood to save as many as 3 lives. Blood is something you can definitely spare, and people across the world really need it, especially with all the recent disasters. It's quick and effortless–please stop by. 
1) Click here to sign up for an appointment to donate. Click on the appropriate drive (Nov. 6 at Sarratt 325/327) and choose your time slot. Regular blood donation is standard. Power Red donation means that you will donate only red blood cells instead of platelets (it only takes ~15 more mins and counts as double the amount of donated blood)
2) Show up on time!! It's a tight schedule. And be sure you are well fed (ingest iron), hydrated, and healthy.
3) If you want the process to go quicker, do rapid pass the day of the drive before you show up. 
4) If you can't donate but want to be involved, click here to sign up for a volunteer shift to help us publicize/run the drive!
Donating blood is relevant to everyone, and we hope to see your members at the drive! Thanks so much in advance!