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Medical Student/Health Professional Student Essay Contest – (submission deadlines 12/31/17)

Posted by on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 in Uncategorized .

3rd biennial Enid Balint Essay Contest sponsored by the American Balint Society (ABS)

The ABS is an educational organization dedicated to curricular efforts to increase health professional understanding and skill in the effective use of the doctor-patient relationship. Key points for the 2017 Enid Balint Essay Contest:

-Contest is open to all students and residents in the health care professions in the United States and Canada.
-Purpose of contest:  to encourage students and residents to reflect on their patient encounters and to inspire others in their caring relationships.
-Entries of 2500-3500 words are due December 31, 2017.
-Winners to be announced in early April, 2018.
-Up to 3 winning essayists will be selected; winning essays will be invited to read their papers at the biennial ABS National Meeting (Minneapolis, MN, July 25-28, 2018).
-Winning essays will also be published in the Medline referenced International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine.

Please see the link below for more information:

2017 Balint Essay Contest 1.pdf
