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FASPE Webinar for Summer Ethics Program for Medical Students (12/07/2017 9PM EST)

Posted by on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 in Uncategorized .

Webinar for Summer Ethics Program for Medical Students on Thursday, Dec. 7  at 9:00 PM
 Eastern/6:00 PM Pacific

FASPE Medical is a fully-funded, two-week summer program that uses the conduct of doctors and other medical professionals in Nazi Germany as a launching point and backdrop for an intensive study of contemporary medical ethics. FASPE Medical is predicated upon the power of place. Fellows visit Auschwitz and other sites in Germany and Poland where they consider how to apply the lessons of history to the ethical challenges in medicine today. 

Learn more about FASPE through a 30-minute Webinar, which will be held at 9:00 PM Eastern Time/6:00 PM Pacific Time on Thursday, December 7 and will be led by Thorin Tritter, the Executive Director of FASPE. Please register with the following link:

In 2018, the program will take place from Sunday, June 17 to Friday, June 29. (Fellows are expected to arrive in Europe by Saturday, June 16.) All program costs are covered, including the equivalent of round-trip travel from New York to Europe, as well as all European travel, lodging, and food. FASPE Medical Fellows travel and share some seminars with Fellows in the FASPE Seminary program.
FASPE Medical is open to all current MD and DO students. 
To learn more about FASPE and to apply, please visit:
FASPE programs are non-denominational. Candidates of all religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
For a list of previous Fellows, please visit 
Completed applications are due by Tuesday, December 19, 2017.