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National Medical Association (NMA) Convention and Scientific Assembly Medical Student/Resident Presentations (Application Deadline 03/09/18)

Posted by on Friday, February 23, 2018 in Uncategorized .

The 2018 National Medical Association (NMA) Convention and Scientific Assembly is the largest and oldest organization dedicated to advancing scholarship of underrepresented in medicine (URiM) physicians and
improving the health outcomes of minority communities.

Medical students, and residents are invited to submit abstracts for our annual Georges C. Benjamin Resident Research Forum (GCBRR). This forum is sponsored by the Emergency Medicine Section of the National Medical Association. Georges C. Benjamin is a founding member of the EM section of NMA, and envisioned the
GCBRR forum to be a platform to promote and support research interests of URiM emergency medicine trainees. Over the past 20+ years, more than 100 emergency medicine trainees have presented their academic products in this venue. We strongly encourage you to forward this letter to your trainees who are developing
scholarly work in emergency medicine and health disparities.

The 116 th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly will be held in Orlando, FL, August 11 – August 15, 2018. The Resident Research Forum will be held on Sunday August 12 th from 11a to 6p, and will be followed by a reception that evening to kick-off the EM section program and celebrate medical student and resident presenters.

The NMA EM Section scientific committee will select research forum presenters based on the quality of their abstract submission. Scientific work exemplifying compelling methodology, and focused on health disparities will be favored.

Abstracts can emphasize prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease states common to the ED setting. All GCBRR forum presentations will be judged on the following criteria: originality, significance, study design, audience appropriateness, and delivery. If the abstract is accepted, the cost of travel (i.e., coach, domestic flights) and lodging will be reimbursed by the National Medical Association EM Section. The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words in length, and include Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Implications for EM practice/Health Policy. Accepted abstracts will be presented as a 10-minute oral presentation with 5 minutes allotted for Q&A.

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, March 9, 2018.

We would like to also provide opportunities for EM fellows and early career faculty to participate (i.e., give a talk) in the EM Section Program. We encourage you to forward our letter to talented academicians in your department. We would like to learn about their work and find ways to incorporate them into the upcoming
or future programming.

Prospective participants can submit abstracts or presentation ideas using
Google Form:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our scientific advisory team at: