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Visiting Elective in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins for URM Students – (Application Deadline 04/15/18)

Posted by on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 in Uncategorized .

Visiting Elective in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins for URM Students – (Application Deadline 04/15/18)


The Johns Hopkins Harriet Lane Pediatric Residency Training Program strongly values diversity and is thrilled to welcome students who are underrepresented in Pediatrics to apply for senior elective rotations in Pediatric Cardiology, Hematology or Infectious Disease. We are providing a stipend of $2000 for up to four qualified students per academic year to help defray the cost of an away rotation; $300 of this stipend will be applied towards the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine’s registration fee for visiting students and the remainder can be applied towards travel/housing. The stipend for students not paying for housing will be $1000; $300 of this stipend will be applied towards the registration fee. We define the following groups as underrepresented: Black (African/African American), Latino/Hispanic (Mexican American, Cuban American, Puerto Rican, Central American, South American), Native American, and Native Hawaiian. Applications will be considered based on merit and availability. We will only consider applicants who wish to complete the elective between July and November of each academic year. We anticipate we may not be able to fund as many qualified applicants for this program as we would like and are actively looking for funding to expand this program in the future.

Please refer to attached PDF for more information of contact Kathy Mainhart ( with questions: 

Johns Hopkins Visiting Elective Program for Students Underrepresented in Pediatrics 2018 Announcement.pdf
