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Student Day at the 2018 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting – (Event date: 04/12/18)

Posted by on Thursday, March 8, 2018 in Uncategorized .

Student Day at the 2018 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting – (Event date: 04/12/18)


American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics invites you to our annual ”Student Day” being held during the ACMG 2018 Clinical Genetics Meeting.

The 2018 ACMG meeting is the premier educational and networking event for medical and clinical geneticists, genetic counselors, pediatric, obstetric, and maternal fetal specialists, laboratory personnel, researchers and educators, post-doctoral trainees, fellow and all medical practitioners who provide services for patients with, or at risk for, genetically influenced health problems.  The meeting is also attended by all healthcare and public health professionals with an interest in the rapidly evolving field of medical genetics and its integration into healthcare. 


Join us on Thursday, April 12 for a special opportunity for Students to learn more about the field of medical genetics and genomics. Registration in advance is FREE.


10:00 am – 12:00 pm –“Careers in Medical Genetics: An Informational Session for Students”
Always well-attended, this interactive session provides undergraduates, graduate students, laboratory specialists, medical students and trainees with the opportunity to learn more about a career in the field of Medical Genetics and Genomics, including its various component training pathways. The session will consist of insights into the different career pathways in Medical Genetics with presentations by a clinical/research academic geneticist, a clinical laboratory-based geneticist, a genetic counselor, a medical genetics resident, and a representative from the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics. Following brief speaker presentations, an interactive breakout period with refreshments and networking time will allow for one-on-one discussions between the students and numerous practicing geneticists representing different areas of genetics.


Additional Student Day activities will include the following:


8:00 am – 9:30 am – TED-Style Talks

Are We Barriers or Necessary Mediators?

There are fewer than 4000 genetic counselors and fewer than 2000 geneticists in the United States. A recent analysis suggests there won’t be enough genetic counselors to serve the population until 2024. Meanwhile, the availability and promise of genetic testing have grown exponentially. How do we as a profession bring these two opposing trends together?


The Power of Patient No. 1

Never underestimate the power and impact a single patient may have. In this time of genome-wide genetic testing, new disease gene discoveries are possible at unpresented pace. A single patient may change our careers forever.




The Hype, the Hope, and the Reality of the Future of Genomic Medicine

There are gaps in ability to effectively use the full power of genomics in routine clinical care for all the patients who could benefit from genomic medicine.How should we focus research agendas and how do we prioritize building the infrastructure necessary to effectively facilitate clinical implementation of genomics?


12:15 pm – 12:45 pm – Student Poster Walks

Poster Walks will be led by renowned experts and will highlight significant and thought-provoking research emerging in the field of genetics and genomics. These Poster Walks provide an opportunity to discuss intriguing posters and the latest discoveries in an informal setting. Students registered for the day will be contacted and have the opportunity to sign up for poster walks in advance at no additional charge. Space will be limited.


1:30 pm – 5:45 pm – ACMG Concurrent Scientific Sessions

Students will have the opportunity to sit in on scientific sessions that cover the latest breakthroughs in genetics research and their applications to medical practice and public health.


Friday, April 13

8:00 am – 9:00 am – ACMG Diversity Breakfast for Students

In order to ensure that advances in genomics are translated into precise and individualized medical care for persons of all backgrounds, there is a need for a culturally diverse workforce of physicians and biomedical researchers. The purpose of this breakfast is to introduce early career scholars from underrepresented minority (URM) groups to the field of medical genetics and genomics, and to share information on training and career opportunities in the field. 

Spread the word!

Please be sure to let students at the undergraduate, graduate or medical school level, as well as residents and fellows in Pediatrics, Medicine, OB-GYN, Pathology, etc. know of this special “Student Day” opportunity. Additional information on the student session, the Diversity breakfast and other events is available on the ACMG Annual Meeting Website –   

Registration for the Diversity Breakfast and the Student Session will be required and information is available on the meeting site.  Admission to all of the Thursday student events is offered for free for students registering for the Careers in Medical Genetics Session in advance, and $25 on-site. The cost of advance registration for the full four-day meeting for students is only $100, or $150 after February 20 through on-site.

 Student Day is free for students and residents that register in advance

If you have questions about these outstanding opportunity for students, please email the Student Session Moderator Erin Baldwin, MS, the Diversity Breakfast Moderator Fuki Hisama, MD or the ACMG Education Department.


