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URM pediatric externship at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH – (Application deadline 04/30/18)

Posted by on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 in Uncategorized .

Nationwide Children’s Pediatric Residency Training Program values diversity as it improves patient care and
enhances our educational mission. We welcome students who are Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) from
U.S. medical schools to apply for a subinternship at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. A stipend and assistance with housing will be provided to help defray the cost of an away rotation.
The goal of the program is to expose underrepresented senior medical students from outside institutions to clinical training in our academic pediatrics program.

Benefits of the program:
• Four week inpatient subinternship experience at a
free-standing quaternary-care, nationally recognized
pediatric institution
• Course credit from home institution via application
through VSAS
• Inclusion in resident conferences and activities
$1000 stipend for travel/living expenses
• Housing provided by Nationwide Children’s Hospital
• Mentorship by residents, faculty and medical student
as well as residency program leadership
• Additional meetings with Nationwide Children’s
faculty can be arranged at the request of the student
based on their areas of interest
• Residency interview with Nationwide Children’s
pediatric residency program during the experience
• Opportunity to explore Columbus, OH


• Applicants must be in good standing at a U.S. accredited medical school and have completed core clinical
clerkships with passing grades by the start of the rotation.
• Applicants must be 100 miles outside of Columbus, OH.
• Program focuses on fourth year medical students who are from groups underrepresented in medicine (e.g.
African American or Black, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or other
Pacific Islander).

Program Directors: Nancy Liao, MD and Becky Scherzer, MD
For more information, please contact
Apply at by April 30, 2018.


For more information and application details please download this flier: NCH URM Externship Ad.pdf