University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Minority Clerkship – (Application Deadline 05/15/18)
Mar. 10, 2018—The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has a commitment to diversity and inclusion among our students, residents and faculty. One of our diversity goals is to increase racial and ethnic diversity reflecting the population of the Cincinnati and surrounding community that we serve. To that end, the Office...
Student Day at the 2018 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting – (Event date: 04/12/18)
Mar. 8, 2018—Student Day at the 2018 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting – (Event date: 04/12/18) American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics invites you to our annual ”Student Day” being held during the ACMG 2018 Clinical Genetics Meeting. The 2018 ACMG meeting is the premier educational and networking event for medical and clinical geneticists, genetic...
Michigan Medicine Student Surgery Leadership Weekend – (Application Deadline 03/10/18)
Mar. 8, 2018—Michigan Medicine Student Surgery Leadership Weekend – (Application Deadline 03/10/18) Goals of this program: Facilitate and motivate medical students to becoming the future leaders in surgery as well as provide them the knowledge and preparation to apply for and match in academic surgery. We plan to have over 25 faculty, house officers and recently matched...
Visiting Elective in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins for URM Students – (Application Deadline 04/15/18)
Mar. 7, 2018—Visiting Elective in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins for URM Students – (Application Deadline 04/15/18) The Johns Hopkins Harriet Lane Pediatric Residency Training Program strongly values diversity and is thrilled to welcome students who are underrepresented in Pediatrics to apply for senior elective rotations in Pediatric Cardiology, Hematology or Infectious Disease. We are providing a...
UCSF Visiting Elective Scholarship Program (VESP) – (Application Deadline 09/01/18)
Mar. 1, 2018—The Visiting Elective Scholarship Program (VESP) established in 2010 is supported by the UCSF School of Medicine and was established to encourage fourth year medical students who are underrepresented in medicine (UIM) or are interested in working with underserved populations to apply for a clinical elective in Pediatrics or other specialties at UCSF. The program...
CDC’s Epidemiology Elective Program for Medical and Veterinary Students – (Application deadline 03/30/18)
Feb. 27, 2018—CDC’s Epidemiology Elective Program for Medical and Veterinary Students Application now open! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention invites medical and veterinary students to apply to the 2018-19 Epidemiology Elective Program (EEP) for a 6- or 8- week rotation. What is EEP? The Epidemiology Elective Program (EEP) trains medical and veterinary students in applied epidemiology, public...
Stanford Pediatrics Funded Visiting Clerkship for Underrepresented Minority Medical Students (Application deadline 04/13/18)
Feb. 24, 2018—Stanford Pediatrics Funded Visiting Clerkship for Underrepresented Minority Medical Students: Application deadline April 13, 2018 Pediatrics SCORE Announcement 2018.pdf Stanford Department of Pediatrics Funded Visiting Clerkship for Underrepresented Minority (URM) Medical Students Eight funded visiting clerkship positions in general pediatrics and pediatric subspecialties will be available at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford (LPCH) from...
National Medical Association (NMA) Convention and Scientific Assembly Medical Student/Resident Presentations (Application Deadline 03/09/18)
Feb. 23, 2018—The 2018 National Medical Association (NMA) Convention and Scientific Assembly is the largest and oldest organization dedicated to advancing scholarship of underrepresented in medicine (URiM) physicians and improving the health outcomes of minority communities. Medical students, and residents are invited to submit abstracts for our annual Georges C. Benjamin Resident Research Forum (GCBRR). This forum is...
2018 Student Surgery Leadership Weekend at the University of Michigan – (Application Deadline 03/10/18)
Feb. 9, 2018—2018 Student Surgery Leadership Weekend at the University of Michigan Attached please find an invitation letter and website for the 2018 Student Surgery Leadership Weekend at the University of Michigan on the weekend of May 4-6th, 2018. We ask that you please share this information with your students who are applying to general surgery, plastic surgery,...