Life in the MSTP
Life in the MSTP – October 2020
Oct. 29, 2020—M1s had their first official, MSTP sponsored class bonding social event, with fun virtual games like and dinner deliveries courtesy of the MSTP! Congratulations to Dr. Chris Williams (MSTP Director) for becoming a grandfather! His daughter McKenna and her husband Derek welcomed Shiloh Laine to the world on 9/30/2020 at 7 pounds 4 oz!
MSTPastries – Fall Edition
Sep. 29, 2020—Stephanie Cajigas (G1) made Apple Cider Donuts. Riley Bergman (G1) made so many muffins!
Sep. 29, 2020—Maggie McBride’s (G2) furry friend, Goose, celebrated his birthday with a backyard party, ice cream cake, and some socially distanced MSTP classmates! Kelsey McNew (G4) and her wife Catie are fostering 3, 8 week old joyful kittens that will be adoptable in about a month. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in opening up your home to...
Life in the MSTP – September 2020
Sep. 29, 2020—M2s Megan Tigue, Candace Grisham, and Sarah Reed became new homeowners! Running into your classmates looks a little different now! G4s Kelsey McNew and Brad Reinfeld greet each other from a distance at the East Nashville Farmers Market! Ben Reisman (G5), Joe Luchsinger (G5) and Cam Bermudez (M4) showed off their new custom Vanderbilt...
Life in the MSTP – August 2020
Aug. 25, 2020—We are so glad that we were able to celebrate our new M1s with their White Coat Ceremony! The ceremony and photos looked different this year with friends and family joining via streaming, but what an important time to join the physician-scientist community! J-N Gallant, MD, PhD (’19 and PGY2 Resident Otolaryngology) and Nada Elsayed...
Life in the MSTP – July 2020
Jul. 29, 2020—Congratulations to our (old) M1s, now M2s, for finishing Foundations of Medical Knowledge this month and maneuvering the challenges of months of virtual medical school! Congratulations to our (old) M2s, now G1s, for finishing Foundations of Clinical Care! Good luck as you study for Step 1 and transition to graduate school in the coming months! Eileen Shiuan...
MSTPets: Part 15
Jul. 29, 2020—Here’s an ode to our furry (and not-so-furry) friends who help us study for anatomy practicals, keep us company while we write our papers and thesis dissertations, and welcome us home after a long shift on surgery. MSTPet: Copper (aka “Coppaccino”) Age: 6 weeks old MSTParent: Ansley Kunnath (M2) Research Interests: Copper is currently completing his...
MSTPastimes: Xavier Bledsoe’s (G1) Ceramics
Jul. 29, 2020—by Emily Chu (G1) How long have you been doing ceramics and how did you get into it? I’ve been doing ceramics since 8th grade when I had to learn pottery for an art class. I was miserable at painting and drawing because nothing ever looked like I wanted it to. The same thing was...
Jun. 26, 2020—Some of our MSTP students have spent the pandemic improving their baking skills, perhaps to prepare for the next MSTP baking contest! Brad Reinfeld (G4) made this gorgeous loaf of bread! We see some ripe bananas in the background – will banana bread be next? Stephanie Cajigas (G1) made these scrumptious blueberry sweet rolls with lemon...
Life in the MSTP – June 2020
Jun. 26, 2020—John Snow (M4) and Katie Doherty (VUSM alumnus and pediatric resident) recently wed! Congratulations to Brynna (G4) and Scott Eisele on the birth of their daughter Sylvia who was born on May 25 weighing 7lb 1 oz! Nick Petersen (G2) and his partner, Josh Carrelo-Méndez, have been steadily transforming their backyard into a plant-filled paradise/hang-out...