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2007 Career Symposium

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About the Workshop

“In your first few years as a tenure-track faculty scientist, you will be asked to balance multiple new demands on top of your research, including teaching, administrative tasks, and perhaps clinical responsibilities. At the same time, you will be expected to hire staff and establish a laboratory, plan a coherent research program, obtain grant funding, and publish in the top journals. Meanwhile, your tenure clock will be ticking, placing you under enormous pressure to produce. You need special skills to meet all these expectations – a mixed bag of competencies that can be loosely characterized as “scientific management” skills.” 
   -From Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Lab Management for Postdocs and New Faculty

We recognize that success in your career endeavors takes more than strong research skills – it also requires administrative, teaching, and managerial talents that you may not have acquired during your PhD training. The Successfully Launching Your Scientific Career: A Career Development Workshop is designed to help beginning investigators launch successful research programs in academic institutions. Though some of the material is specifically geared toward academia, much of it is broadly applicable to research scientists in any setting – academia, government, private institutes, or industry.

The workshop is loosely based on the HHMI/Burroughs Wellcome Fund laboratory leadership and management course first held in Chevy Chase, Maryland, in 2002. The full-text of the textbook for the course, Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Lab Management for Postdocs and New Faculty, is available for free download on their website.

(Original Posting)