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JoinLinkedIn.jpgThe Vanderbilt University Biomedical Research Graduate and Postdoctoral Trainees and Alumni LinkedIn group is for current and former graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who conducted biomedical research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Visit and join the LinkedIn Group.

The requirements for entrance into the Biomedical Research LinkedIn Group includes the following:

  • Must be currently pursuing or have completed research at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine as a Ph.D. student, postdoc, or faculty member.
  • Must have a completed profile with education and experience information completed.
  • Must clearly show Vanderbilt in your profile history.
  • Must have at least two connections. (This confirms your identity and shows that you are using LinkedIn professionally and purposefully.)

The Biomedical Research group does not accept former or current Medical School students or recruiters.