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The BRET Office of Career Development has a lending library of career-related books, which include topics of career options for scientists, academic and nonacademic job search, self-assessment, and professional skills. Please contact our office if you would like to borrow a book from our lending library. See the full listing of books here.

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Also, be sure to check out these virtual resources:

Science Careers – Science Careers is produced by AAAS; it’s the ultimate career resource for scientists interested in jobs in industry, academia, and government and the publisher of the online career exploration and planning tool, MyIDP.

Versatile Ph.D. – Versatile Ph.D. is a community for advice and support around non-academic careers. Vanderbilt students get free access to the premium content section on the site, which includes their Ph.D. Career Finder tool.

Inside Higher Ed – Inside Higher Ed features news, practical career columns, and a suite of tools to help higher education professionals get jobs.

The Chronicle of Higher EducationThe Chronicle of Higher Education is a source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.