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2010 Career Symposium

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The Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine presents the fourth "Career Opportunities in the Biomedical and Biological Sciences" Symposium on July 27 & 28, 2010.

The first day features presentations by scientists who have pursued a variety of careers in government, academia, nonprofits, and the private sector. The second day starts with a networking breakfast with speakers, local companies, and alumni. Following breakfast, there will be a series of professional skills workshops that will help you prepare for the next step of your career. There is no fee for Vanderbilt and Meharry registrants, but advance registration is required before July 12, 2010. Non-VU/Meharry registration is $40, which includes lunch on Tuesday, July 27 and breakfast on Wednesday, July 28.

About the Symposium

Twenty years ago, most graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the biomedical sciences expected to develop a career similar to that of their mentors. In fact, it was tantamount to heresy for a student to indicate that he or she was interested in a career outside the research university. Today, nearly 70% of bioscience PhDs are employed in non-faculty positions, and the Career Opportunities in the Biomedical and Biological Sciences Symposium was developed to expose graduate students and postdocs to the richness of the career opportunities available in the biosciences. While not exhaustive, we have invited exemplars of many different careers under the general aegis of "biology." They will discuss how their careers evolved and provide insight into developing a career outside the research university, but inside the diverse and exciting world of science and discovery.

This is the fourth "Career Opportunities" Symposium hosted by the Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training. Previous symposia were held in 1998, 2001, and 2006. We to host this large-scale career event once every three-to-four years, and we encourage broad participation even among students and postdocs whose job search is not imminent.

New in 2010, the National Postdoctoral Association is holding a regional meeting in conjunction with the Career Symposium. We warmly welcome postdocs from regional institutions who will join us at the Symposium. Please thank our sponsors for their generous support of this event.