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Tuesday, July 27, 2010 (Student Life Center)

8:30-9:00 Check in and pick up Symposium materials

9:00-9:10 Welcome (Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

Dr. Roger Chalkley Senior Associate Dean for BRET,  VUSM (audio file)

9:10-9:45 Keynote Address (Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

Dr. Eric Haseltine, President, Haseltine Partners, LLC (slides, audio file)

9:45-11:00 Discovery Research & Diagnostics (Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

Dr. Aris Economides, Senior Director, Genome Engineering Technologies Group & Skeletal Diseases, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (audio file)

Dr. Francis Willard, Senior Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company (Presentation not available)

Dr. Ryan Bender, Molecular Geneticist, Caris Life Sciences (slides, audio file)

11:10-12:00 Concurrent Session 1 (Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

  Session 1A: Defense & Technology Consulting 
  Dr. Larry Kerr, Deputy Director for Countering Biological Threats, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Eric Warren, Forensic Scientist, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (slides, audio file)
  Session 1B: Academic Teaching & Administration
  Dr. Jackie Joseph-Silverstein, Executive Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, Tri-C Cuyahoga Community College  (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Wallace Sharif, Assistant Professor, Morehouse College (slides, audio file)

12:30-1:45 Concurrent Session 2 (with lunch; Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

  Session 2A: Taking Great Ideas to Market
  Dr. Adam Bristol, Vice President, Aquilo Partners (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Ed Ergenzinger, Director of Intellectual Property, Duke Human Vaccine Institute (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Mimi Healy, President, H2F Consulting LLC (slides, audio file)
  Session 2B: Clinical, Medical & Regulatory Affairs
  Dr. Maureen McDonnell, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Beckman Coulter, Inc (slides, audio file)
  Dr. David Chapman, Assistant Director, Medical Science and Health Outcomes Research, Ameritox, LLC (slides, audio file)
  Dr. David Adams, Clinical Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company (slides, audio file)

2:00-3:15 Concurrent Session 3 (Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

  Session 3A: Research & Administration in Nonprofits & Research Institutes
  Dr. Layton Smith, Assistant Professor and Director of Pharmacology, Burnham Research Institute (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Yung Lie, Scientific Director, Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Lisan Parker, Scientific Liaison, Secretariat, Working Group on New Drugs, TB Alliance (slides, audio file)
  Session 3B: Writing, Editing & International Opportunities
  Dr. Susanne Tranguch, Editor, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Cell Press (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Chastity Bradley, Senior Medical Writer, Healthways, Inc (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Ray Price, MBA, Principal, The Prices Write (slides, audio file)

3:30-4:45 Concurrent Session 4 (Commodore Ballrooms, SLC)

  Session 4A: Government Research & Administration
  Dr. Becky Wagenaar-Miller, Scientific Review Officer, Scientific Review Branch, National Institute of Dental and     Craniofacial   Research (slides, audio file)
  Dr. Pat Harrington, Clinical Microbiology Reviewer, Division of Antiviral Products, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research,   U.S.     Food and Drug Administration (audio file)
  Dr. Jason Lambert, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Center   for  Environmental Assessment (slides, audio file)
 Session 4B: Business of Biotech & Pharma
 Dr. Joe Tasto, MBA, Senior Licensing Manager, Bristol Myers Squibb (slides, audio file)
 Dr. Jeroo Sinor, Group Market Planning Manager, Genentech (slides, audio file)
 Dr. Mike Malecki, Project Director, Decision Resources (slides, audio file)


Wednesday, July 28, 2010 (various locations)

7:30-9:00 Networking breakfast (Student Life Center Ballroom)

  Symposium registrants can network with Symposium speakers and local companies and alumni at breakfast. Click on the "Networking Breakfast" link to see a list of breakfast attendees

9:15-10:00 Keynote address: Making New Contacts: Learning to Network Strategically

Dr. Brianna Blaser, Project Director for Outreach, AAAS/ScienceCareers (audio file)

10:15-12:15 Professional Skills Sessions (Light Hall)

Professional Skills sessions are 30 minutes long and will run concurrently from 10:15-10:45, 11:00-11:30, and 11:45-12:15. Participants will be assigned to three sessions based on their session preferences indicated on the registration form. Participants will receive their session assignments by email a week before the Symposium.

12:30-1:30 Luncheon hosted by the National Postdoctoral Association (305 Light Hall)

All current postdoctoral fellows and graduate students considering postdoctoral training are welcome to attend. NPA Board members will be on hand to describe the NPA and benefits of membership.

1:45-3:15 Small Group Discussions About Postdoctoral Training

Hosted by the National Postdoctoral Association (407 Light Hall)

Following a formal introduction, participants will break into small groups to discuss topics related to postdoctoral training. Current postdocs and graduate students considering postdoctoral training are welcome to attend. Topics will evolve with participant interests and may include: Charting your training path, Mentor dynamics and interacting with multiple mentors, Career advancement, Networking strategies, Opportunities for trainees to distinguish themselves outside the lab, Developing unique postdoctoral training programs.