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ASPIRE Cafe for Postdoctoral Fellows

Explore topics in career development and professionalism.

The ASPIRE Cafe for Postdoctoral Fellows is a seminar series featuring career development and professionalism topics curated specifically to help postdoctoral fellows maximize their training and successfully transition to their next career stage.

All past session handouts can be found via the special Vanderbilt Box ASPIRE Cafe folder.

All sessions are held from 11am – 12pm on Thursdays.  

Add the sessions to your calendar here and download the 2023-2024-Cafe-Poster to hang in your lab!

Training Stage Key

Sessions are open to Postdoctoral Fellows at any stage of their training and all are welcome to attend. However, many topics are most relevant at specific stages. Each session is designated as such. Please use this key as a guide to determine which would be most beneficial to you

Graduate studentsYear 1/2Year 3+All years
Postdoctoral fellowsFirst half of training periodSecond half of training periodAll years



Questions or suggestions for other topics?  Email Ashley Brady at