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Beyond the Lab: See and Listen

Curious about what biomedical Ph.D.s do for their career? In the “Beyond the Lab” series, the ASPIRE Program interviews Vanderbilt Ph.D. and postdoctoral alumni about their career path. We have video interviews published on YouTube, and an audio version available as podcasts. Some alumni have both a video and a podcast! Browse by topic below.

To subscribe to the podcast, find us on iTunesStitcherSoundCloud, the full listing on LibSynor the web

VU-ASPIRE-Beyond-the-Lab-Flyer The YouTube series was made possible by a BEST award from the National Institutes of Health (PIs: Chalkley, Gould, and Petrie: DP7OD018423).

Download our flyer to publicize to your trainees!

Like these videos? Check out the Career Videos from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Careers section of iBiology.