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Schedule of Events

Thursday, March 2, 2006

9:30 – Introductory remarks

Roger Chalkley, D.Phil., Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research Education and Training, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

9:40 – Opening address

Diane Pennica, Ph.D. Senior Scientist in Molecular Oncology, Genetech

10:00 – Research and Administration at Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies – I

Moderator: George Hill, Ph.D., FACULTY (EMERITUS), Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Brian Zambrowicz, Ph.D. , Executive Vice President of Research, Lexicon Genetics
Robert Gould, Ph.D., Vice President, Licensing & External Research, Merck Research
Gene Kinney, Ph.D., Director, Department of Alzheimer’s Research, Merck

11:15 –  Break

11:30 – Clinical and Forensic Sciences

Moderator: Jackie Corbin, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Kerri Dugan, Ph.D., Research Biologist, Counterterrorism Forensic Science Research Unit, FBI Laboratory
Cindy Vnencak-Jones, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pathology, Director of Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

12:15 – Break-out Session I (lunch)

Session A: Diane Pennica, Robert Gould, Kerri Dugan
Session B: Gene Kinney, Brian Zambrowicz, Cindy Vnencak-Jones

1:45 – Research and Administration at Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies – II

Moderator: Ann Richmond, PhD, Assistant Dean for Biomedical Research Education and Training and Professor and Vice Chair of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Lori Rudolph-Owen, Ph.D., Program Manager, Portfolio & Program Management, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
JJ Owen, Ph.D., Manager, Business Development, AVEO Pharmaceuticals
Amy Rock, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Cumberland Pharmaceuticals

3:00 – Break

3:15 – Research, Administration, and Teaching at 4-Year Colleges and Research Institutes 

Moderator: Amy Moore, Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Bruce Conn, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Dean of School of Mathematical & Natural Sciences, Berry College
Nancy Wall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Lawrence University
Ricardo Richardson, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Director of the Cancer Research Program at the Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute at North Carolina Central University.

4:30 – Break-out Session II

Session A: Laurie Rudolph-Owen, Bruce Conn, Ricardo Richardson
Session B: JJ Owen, Amy Rock, Nancy Wall

Friday, March 3, 2006

9:15 – Opening Address

Mark D. Dibner, Ph.D., President, Bioability LLC

9:45 – Consulting and Defense

Moderator: Omari Bandele, Graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Amy Altman, Ph.D., Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton
Ben Petro, Ph.D., Chief, Knowledge Integration Program, Office of Research and Development, Science and Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security

10:30 – Break

10:45 – Science Policy, Writing, and Program Management

Moderator: Efrain Garcia, Graduate Student, Department of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Emma Hitt, Ph.D., Freelance Science Writer
Michelle Cissell, Ph.D., Associate Director of Strategic Planning, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Mary Hanlon, Ph.D., Health Science Policy Analyst, NIH-NIDDK

12:00 – Technology Transfer and Law

Moderator: Shane Cunha, Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Michelle McMullen-Tack, Ph.D., J.D., Patent Attorney, McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff
Kathy Lee, Ph.D., Office of Technology Transfer, McGill University

12:45 – Break-out Session II (lunch)

Session A: Mark Dibner, Amy Altman, Michelle Cissell, Kathy Lee
Session B: Ben Petro, Emma Hitt, Mary Hanlon, Michelle McMullen-Tack