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2023 ASPIRE Workshop on Preparing for a Faculty Career and Job Search

This ASPIRE workshop is for postdocs and late-stage grad students in the biomedical and life sciences who are interested in faculty careers. The 1.5 day event will feature interactive sessions and panel discussions with current faculty on topics ranging from exploring faculty roles, to interviewing for faculty jobs. Advance registration is requested. Participants may register for the entire workshop, or choose specific sessions to attend.

The 2023 workshop will be held Friday August 4th from 9:00am-3:15pm, and Monday, August 7th from 11:00am-4:00pm. This will be in person, meeting in Light Hall 202 (Friday) and Light Hall 214 (Monday).

Day 1 topics

  • Understanding faculty roles at different types of institutions
  • Overview of the academic job search process
  • Planning an independent research career
  • How search committees work
  • Effective research job talks and chalk talks
  • Interviewing skills

Day 2 topics

  • Insider’s view of the faculty job search: Mock faculty search committee
  • Negotiating a job offer
  • Applying for jobs in teaching-intensive institutions
  • Writing a teaching philosophy