‘Search Strategies’
2025 Virtual Career Expo for PhDs and Postdocs
Feb. 5, 2025—As a graduate student and postdoctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University, you’re invited to attend the Virtual Career Expo (VCE). This free virtual job fair brings together employers from the fields of STEM, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences seeking advanced degree talent (Masters, PhDs, Postdocs and Alumni). Event Details Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Time: 11am-3pm...
ASPIRE Up: ChatGPT for Job-Seekers: The Right Way to Use AI to Accelerate Your Search
Jan. 17, 2025— The ASPIRE Program, in partnership with the Career Center GPS and Vanderbilt Graduate school, is excited to host Jeremy Schifeling from The Job Insiders to discuss ChatGPT and the job search! Thursday February 6 1:00-2:00pm Watch the recording here! Workshop description ChatGPT for Careers: The...
ASPIRE Up: Negotiation
Jan. 1, 2025—Thursday January 9, 2025 10:00am-11:30am Light Hall 208 with Ashley Brady, PhD, Assistant Dean of Biomedical Career Engagement and Strategic Partnerships As a graduate student or postdoc you are by definition in a training role and thus will be moving into a position within the near future. When you finally get that first job offer,...
Yale University Virtual Postdoc Recruitment Event
Nov. 9, 2023—Yale University’s Office for Postdoctoral Affairs is hosting its Virtual Postdoc Recruitment Event on February 15, 2024 from 1-4pm Eastern Time on Zoom and engages scholars interested in pursuing postdoctoral training at Yale University. Our goals are to support potential postdocs in their career exploration and identifying next steps, engage with potential postdocs from underrepresented and historically excluded groups,...
Spring 2022 Women in the Academy Series
Jan. 11, 2022—Authenticity in the Job Search: Finding a Job and Remaining True to Yourself Lauren Easterling, Director of Trainee Services, Indiana University School of Medicine Thursday, January 27 12:00–1:15 p.m. Zoom sign up here.
Career Center Launches Full Access to The Versatile PhD
Jul. 14, 2021—The VU Career Center recently announced that it is providing VU students, faculty, and staff with complete access to Versatile PhD. This online resource helps students explore career possibilities, view job postings appropriate for PhDs, network with 85,000+ members, prepare to build a professional career, and more! VPhD is the largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhD...
VU Advanced Degree Consulting Club sponsor Case Interview webinars
Aug. 31, 2020—The Vanderbilt University Advanced Degree Consulting Club (VUADCC) has organized two upcoming webinars with Peter K., a professional case interview coach, to help prepare graduate students with interviews for management consulting firms. The first webinar will cover “Intro to Consulting Case Interview” and will be held on Tuesday, September 15 at 10-11:30 am CT. The second...
10x Genomics Zoom – Resume Workshop
Jul. 17, 2020—This workshop is being presented by the 10x recruiting to provide insight about resume/interview tips, social media guidelines, and more! About this Event Wed, July 29, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM CDT The 10x recruiting team is happy to announce the first resume workshop to help students and professionals in the job market to...
Equal Pay Day/Salary Negotiation Workshop
Mar. 25, 2019—The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center is hosting an Equal Pay Day Series of events on the week of April 1 (no joke!). Please see the information below, including the AAUW Start Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop.
2019 PhD and Master’s Virtual Career Expo
Mar. 8, 2019—On March 20, 2019, Vanderbilt University is participating in the Virtual Career Expo for PhD and Master’s Students sponsored by the Graduate Career Consortium. The Virtual Career Expo is an opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to interact with employers online via live-chat sessions. Learn which employers are attending and what to expect at the...
Practice Faculty Interviews with Roger Chalkley
Dec. 13, 2018—In the months of January, and February on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8am, Roger Chalkley is offering to help postdocs who are currently interviewing for research faculty jobs by doing an individual practice interview session. Participants must have a faculty position currently scheduled for academic faculty positions at a research institutions. If interested, you will...
Event: What Every International Student Should Know About U.S. Employment
Nov. 6, 2018—What Every International Student Should Know About U.S. Employment Wed, Nov. 7 1:15 – 2:45 pm Owen Averbuch Auditorium (Walk-in hours after the event from 3:15 – 5 pm with Dan: Career Center lobby, Student Life Center, Suite 220) Interested in hearing how H-1B sponsorship happens from the inside? Dan Beaudry, former head of campus...
An Employer’s Perspective on Perfecting Your Pitch: An Application Strategy Workshop for Biomedical PhDs
May. 11, 2018—The BRET Office of Career Development is excited to welcome Heather Dillon from the Jackson Laboratory. This interactive workshop is for PhD students and postdocs who are interested in developing skills to effectively market themselves for postdoctoral or faculty positions at academic and non-profit research institutions. Learn strategies for conducting a productive job search, how...
Download the 2018 Science Careers Handbook
May. 8, 2018—Each year, Science Careers creates a handbook of career-related information for graduate students and postdocs. This year, the group has teamed up with organizations to provide profiles of company culture and the types of positions they offer. Download the 2018 guide here.
Event: Applying for Industry Postdocs
Apr. 9, 2018—Join graduate student Alex Andrews for a brown bag lunch about applying for industry postdocs. Alex is completing his PhD in Cell & Developmental Biology this spring and will begin a postdoc at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals in July. Alex will talk about his experience applying and interviewing for industry postdocs and take questions from session participants...
Teaching Statements: an expansive guide via the VU Center for Teaching
Jan. 2, 2018—If you are not sure where to begin or your current one needs some work, this Vanderbilt Center for Teaching website covers a lot of useful ground on Teaching Statement execution, evaluation, and exercises. Don't miss out on this excellent resource: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/teaching-statements/
Graduate School event: LinkedIn is Your Friend
Nov. 7, 2017—The Graduate School presents: LinkedIn is Your Friend (seriously, it is!) Wednesday, Nov 8 4:30 – 6:00 pm 201 Alumni Hall Learn how to effectively use LinkedIn for your job search, even for those with advanced degrees. There are many good tools that LinkedIn can provide that makes connecting with other professionals easier. We will...
From CV to Resume via the Graduate School
Sep. 11, 2017—From CV to Resume (for Graduate Students and Postdocs) Wed, Sept 13 4:00 – 5:00 pm 100 Alumni Hall (Lounge) Registration encouraged: https://goo.gl/forms/qx3oHLMGDHQnpxN22 Using actual resumes from actual employed people with advanced degrees, we'll go over the basics. If you're exploring positions in business, non-profits, government or industry, you'll need to create a resume from...
The Calculated Risk of a Cold Email
Dec. 21, 2016—In a job search, some unsolicited requests for information over email are much more effective than others. Robert D. Pearson gives advice on how to make yours one of them. Read more: https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2016/12/12/how-send-cold-emails-pay-job-search-essay
Negotiation Workshop
Dec. 21, 2016—Join us for the Negotiation Workshop led by Elliott Kruse, Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management. Dr. Kruse will talk about critical concepts to use in your daily life, for negotiations big and small. You will hear about the research behind effective negotiation and learn practical tactics to help in almost any negotiation scenario. In the...