‘Search Strategies’
Postdoctoral Cafe: Crafting a Compelling Elevator Pitch
Jul. 22, 2016—Postdoctoral Fellows, if you have not already had the chance to attend, please come for coffee and pastries to a Postdoctoral ASPIRE Café for Career Planning session to learn more about the Vanderbilt ASPIRE Program and to explore topics in career development and professionalism. Our next meeting will be: Tuesday, July 26th 9:00-10:00am 306 A&B Light Hall...
New Web Portal to identify Federally-sponsored STEM Internships and Fellowships
Apr. 27, 2016— The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science, along with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the other participating agencies in the National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC) Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (CoSTEM), have launched a pair of web-based portals for searching Federally-sponsored opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and...
Webinar: Building a Career Portfolio, via VU Alumni Association
Apr. 13, 2016—The Vanderbilt Alumni Association and VU Alumni Career Services are hosting a webinar of interest: Learn how to demonstrate your impact with a portfolio through this free webinar led by Tiffany Franklin (BA'96) on Tuesday, April 19 at 1pm EST. More information and registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/285055359395380995 Webinar Summary: Portfolios have grown in popularity in recent years...
Women’s Center Events: Equal Pay Day, more
Apr. 5, 2016—The Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center is offering many events this month of interest to trainees: Equal Pay Day 2016 Tuesday, April 12 Equal Pay Day at Vanderbilt Discounts 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. In honor of Equal Pay Day, businesses near campus will be offering various discounts to Vanderbilt women. The list of participating businesses...
Resume 101 is back for 2016!
Jan. 15, 2016—In this seminar led by Dr. Kim Petrie, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling résumé that showcases your professional skills and accomplishments. We’ll discuss the differences between CVs and résumés, strategies for turning your CV into a résumé, and tips for clearly and concisely presenting your experience. Then, in a mock hiring exercise, you’ll...
The Job Search for International Students
Jan. 15, 2016—The search for internships and post-graduate employment can be quite challenging for international students. This workshop, sponsored by the Graduate School, will help you understand the process and will address how to use all available resources to help you compete effectively in the job market. Registration requested: http://goo.gl/forms/vommx92dGO This workshop will focus on graduate students, but...
Download latest Career Trends booklet by ScienceCareers/AAAS
Jan. 16, 2015— If you are considering making the move from the lab, you are not alone. This transition is taking place at all career levels, spurred by different motivations. Whatever the reason, many have successfully taken this road, and so can you. Learn More: Download your free copy of the newest PDF booklet in our Career Trends series, Exploring Careers Beyond...
Resume 101 is back!
Jan. 11, 2015— For the third year in a row, Dr. Kim Petrie will be presenting, “Resume 101,” the popular seminar that arms BRET PhD and postdocs with a robust resume. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling résumé that showcases your professional skills and accomplishments. We’ll discuss the differences between CVs and résumés,...
Job Postings now on Twitter!
Jan. 7, 2015— In an effort to simplify the information found on the often-updated Office of Career Development blog, job postings can now be found on Twitter! How do I access these tweets? 1. Follow us on Twitter @VUBRETPhDJobs 2. Request to be notified on your mobile or email device when tweets are updated. What if...
Thriving In Pharma: How to find jobs, get an interview, and be successful
Oct. 24, 2014—Thriving In Pharma: How to find jobs, get an interview, and be successful Friday, November 7 12:15-1pm Light Hall 512 **Changed location! Join Nuruddeen Lewis, PhD, as he discusses the tips, tricks, and advice on the pharma career path. Lewis will offer very practical advice on what to expect from working in industry/pharma, how to put...
Applying for Academic Jobs
Sep. 5, 2014—The Graduate School Career Development presents Applying for Academic Jobs Thursday, 9/25: 5:00 – 6:15 pm; Alumni 201 Fall is the prime academic job search season. You’ll learn about the process, the documents you need to create, and what to expect in your search.
ASPIRE to Plan
Aug. 15, 2014—ASPIRE to Plan will empower biomedical sciences PhD students and postdoctoral fellows to make effective career decisions and identify specific training opportunities related to their career goals. It consists of four interactive seminars emphasizing self-assessment, career options for scientists, and career planning. ASPIRE to Plan will highlight Vanderbilt resources available to aid PhD students and postdocs in their career...
Insider Higher Ed: Spousal Hire Realities
Jun. 4, 2014—Spousal Hire Realities, by Scott Jaschik, for Inside Higher Ed “As a grad student, I never gave a moment of thought to being a spousal hire. Like so many grad students in top-20 departments, especially pre-recession, I thought that I had somehow earned an offer of a tenure-track position somewhere with a 2-2 courseload because...
Email templates for your job search and networking
May. 5, 2014—Job hunting and networking can feel like a full-time job. Make your search and networking easier with these email templates from The Muse. Muse founder Alex Cavoulacos has penned these email templates for you to adapt to ask for a recommendation, follow up on a job application, thank someone for a job interview, or ask a...
“Put Your PhD to Work” with Peter Fiske
Mar. 20, 2014— The Graduate Student Council also has the pleasure of welcoming renowned career specialist Peter Fiske, Ph.D. to the Vanderbilt GSC’s 3MT. He has written two books about professionalization, and has had a myriad of experiences from working in the White House and at the Pentagon, publishing in high impact journals like Science, and helping found...
Is your job search out of control?
Feb. 11, 2014—“Career Mojo: Is your job search out of control?” by Dana Manciagli, The Business Journals What is your job search like? I’ll bet, like so many others, you’re applying to lots and lots of positions, you’re following up on just a few (and only once for those,) and you’re not doing “precision networking.” Read more…
Event: Careers in Campus Administration and Education: the Alternate Academic Path
Jan. 31, 2014—Using your graduate degree in a university setting may take multiple paths. Join our alternate-academic panel, all of whom have used their degrees in non-faculty careers on a college campus. Thursday, Feb. 274:00 – 5:30 pmLocation: Alumni Hall, Room 201 Panelists include: Mona Frederick, Director, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities Todd Hughes, Director...
Nashville Area Career Fair, February 11, 2014
Jan. 23, 2014—The Nashville Area Career Fair is on Tuesday, February 11, at the Williamson County Ag Exposition Park. The event is free, but tickets are required. The BRET Office of Career Development has your tickets! For more information, visit www.nashvillefairs.org. Email kate.stuart@vanderbilt.edu to request a ticket. She will put tickets at the BRET front desk (Light...
PhD and Master’s Virtual Career Fair
Jan. 10, 2014—Meet employers live in a virtual setting… Open to PhD & Master’s Students, Postdocs, and Alumni. Sponsored by the Graduate Career Consortium Schools To register and for more information, visit the Career Eco site.