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MSTPastimes: Kelsey McNew’s fitness classes

Jan. 30, 2020—by Kelsey McNew (G3) Upon consideration, I’ve taken over 900 boutique fitness classes at 18 studios during my 4.5 years in Nashville and that probably constitutes a hobby. I’ve tried many different things: I did 6 months of CrossFit before I realized I hated throwing myself on the ground and having to get back up...

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We’re all #MSTPstars!

Dec. 19, 2019—MariaSanta Mangione (M3) made a fantastic cheese plate. Danny Sack (G2) was not in the Eskind Student Lounge for a whole day. Submit your #MSTPstar here

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Honors and Awards – December 2019

Dec. 19, 2019—  Congratulations to Ayesha Muhammad (G2) and Duncan Smart (G2) for receiving predoctoral fellowships from the American Heart Association!     Congratulations to Sam Beik (G2) and Matt Madden (G3) for receiving NRSA F30 fellowships!     Congratulations to Rachana Haliyur (M4) for receiving the Oscar B. Crofford Scholar Award during Vanderbilt’s Diabetes Day for her...

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MSTPublications: December 2019

Dec. 19, 2019—Specific Molecular Recognition as a Strategy to Delineate Tumor Margin Using Topically Applied Fluorescence Embedded Nanoparticles. Barton S, Li B, Siuta M, Vaibhav J, Song J, Holt CM, Tomono T, Ukawa M, Kumagai H, Tobita E, Wilson K, Sakuma S, Pham W. Precis Nanomed. 2018 Nov 25;1(3):194-207. doi: 10.33218/prnano1(3).181009.1. Epub 2018 Oct 29. The Thomsen-Friedenreich...

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Changes to the MSTP Website!

Dec. 19, 2019—by Maxwell Roeske (G2) Over the past year, a small group of MSTP students has worked together with the leadership team to re-work the MSTP’s website. Excessive information was condensed (there is only one “Nashville” page now instead of the previous three), graphics were updated and beautified (check out the new Curriculum page), and the design has...

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Get to Know your PhD Program Managers

Dec. 19, 2019—by Lourdes Estrada (MSTP LT) As you move from medical school (after M2) to graduate school (G1), getting to know your support options in your individual PhD programs will help ensure that your transition is a smooth one. Of course, the MSTP Leadership are always available to assist, as well. In this piece, we introduce...

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First MSTP Leadership Book Club Meeting

Dec. 19, 2019—by Lindsay Klofas (G4) The first meeting of the MSTP Leadership Book Club was held in November. We read “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown and had a great discussion. Topics included how to lead in accordance with our values and the importance of clear feedback. Our next meeting will be in February and we...

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Meet Julie Gannon, MSTP Financial Unit and Grants Manager

Dec. 19, 2019—by Julie Gannon (MSTP LT) Back to the beginning: I grew up in Lewisburg, a small town in middle Tennessee and always believed that I was destined for city life after college. Instead, I married and moved to my husband’s hometown, Woodbury, a town even smaller than Lewisburg. While we don’t have the many conveniences...

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MSTPastimes: Evonne McArthur’s photography and graphic design

Dec. 19, 2019—by Evonne McArthur (G2) For over ten years, I have pursued side passions including photography and graphic design. I believe that these hobbies also encompass some of the best parts of science and medicine. Namely, they necessitate creativity, precision, and craftsmanship. I also enjoy that they generate dialogue and allow for a unique way of...

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MSTPastimes: Joey Elsakr Qualified for Marathon US Olympic Trials

Dec. 19, 2019—Recently MSTP student Joey Elsakr (G5) qualified for the Marathon US Olympic Trials! We asked him to speak with us about this MSTPastime. Good luck to Joey at the Olympic Trials race in Atlanta, GA on February 29, 2020! When did you start running? What made you decide to start running? What led you to...

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Physician Scientist Speaker Series, Fall 2019: Meena Madhur, MD, PhD

Nov. 25, 2019—by Duncan Smart (G2) Meena Madhur MD, PhD spoke about her career path during the Fall installment of the Physician Scientist Speaker Series and shared some practical advice. Dr. Madhur is a practicing cardiologist whose research focuses on immune mechanisms of hypertension. She stressed the importance of identifying institutional resources to ease transitions, making your...

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We’re all #MSTPstars!

Nov. 25, 2019—Jonathan Knowlton (M4) is building cornhole boards for his parents as a Christmas gift! The strangely close G1 class held yet another weekend event. This time they gathered to cook food together. Christiaan Wijers (G2) was in attendance. Submit your #MSTPstar here

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Life in the MSTP – November 2019

Nov. 25, 2019—Josh Thompson (M4) and Amy were thrilled to welcome their son, Theodore James Thompson on October 28th. His big sister, Charlotte, couldn’t be more excited! Congratulations to Connor Beebout (G3) and Dr. Alex Blee on their engagement! The VUSM Deans and Student Wellness Committee invited students to submit artwork for display in the Eskind Biomedical Library...

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Honors and Awards – November 2019

Nov. 25, 2019—  Kevin Manz (G4) successfully defended his thesis titled “Microcircuit mechanisms regulating nucleus accumbens circuit function” completed in the lab of Dr. Brad Grueter through the Neurosceicne Graduate Program! Congratulations, Dr. Manz! Dan Roden, M.D. (Sutherland Advising College Leader; PI to Ayesha Muhammad) was honored as the recipient of the 2019 Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Prize...

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#DoubleDocs Online: Making Real Connections in a Virtual World

Nov. 25, 2019—By Katherine Konvinse (M4) Social media is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in both personal and professional aspects of everyday life. Accordingly, members of today’s biomedical community are using social media to share journal articles, provide live updates from conferences, circulate information about career opportunities, and discuss thoughts and opinions about the latest research. Over the last...

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