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TimeBallroomsBoard of Trust RoomDownstairs Classrooms 1&2
9:15-10:00amBeyond R&D in Industry (Panel)
Jeff Bylund
Stacey Mont
Aaron Wexler
Academic Faculty (Panel)
Kristi Thiel
Yi Ren
FIRESIDE CHAT: SciComm (10:10-10:40am)
Aaron Wexler
10:15-11:00amResearch Roles: Industry vs. Government (Panel)
Maria Agostini
TK Feaster
Understanding Industry Support: Consulting + Patent Law (Panel)
Amanda Antons
Laura Terry
FIRESIDE CHAT: Competitive Intelligence (10:45-11:15am)
Stacey Mont
11:15am-noonStart Me Up: Entrepreneurship (Panel)
Wyatt McDonnell
Kristi Thiel
Medical Science Liaison Roles
Nicole Krupp
FIRESIDE CHAT: Regulatory (11:30-noon)
TK Feaster
12:15-1:00pmLunchtime PLENARY Keynote: Evolving Career Trends in the Life Sciences Ecosystem
Dr. Gauri Nair
1:30-3:10pmNETWORKING HUDDLESFIRESIDE CHAT: Patent Law (1:15-1:45)
Amanda Antons
3:15pmNetworking Reception and Resource Plaza