‘Unique Postdoc Opportunity’
Postdoctoral Fellowships from the Human Frontier Science Program
Jun. 6, 2016—The Human Frontier Science Program is a program of funding for frontier research in the life sciences. It is implemented by the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) with its office in Strasbourg. HFSP postdoctoral fellowships encourage early career scientists to broaden their research skills by moving into new areas of study while working...
Insight Health Data Science Fellows Program accepting applications now
May. 27, 2016—The Insight Health Data Science Fellows Program is adding a new session in Silicon Valley, starting on September 12, 2016. The Insight Health Data Science program was launched in Boston in Summer 2015. 100% of the Fellows from that first session have accepted data science positions at companies and nonprofits including the Broad Institute, Dana...
Apply to be a White House Fellow, applications due April 17
Apr. 13, 2016—
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distinguished Fellowships 2016
Apr. 13, 2016—Applications being accepted for the ORNL Distinguished Fellowships Oak Ridge National Laboratory is currently accepting applications for the Liane Russell, Eugene Wigner, Alvin Weinberg, and Alston Householder Distinguished Fellowships. The Distinguished Fellowships hire a limited number of outstanding early career scientists and engineers into research staff positions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge,...
Apply now for the Insight Data Science Fellows Program
Jan. 27, 2016—Insight now has grown to over 200 alumni, with the Data Science Fellows Programs going strong in both New York and Palo Alto, and the Data Engineering Fellows Program wrapping up its third session in Palo Alto. Insight is 7-week full-time professional training fellowship in Palo Alto, CA and New York, NY. It's a free...
Clinical & Public Health Research Fellowships, Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance
Jan. 15, 2016—The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of its Clinical and Public Health Research Fellowships 2016. India Alliance invites applications for three Fellowship schemes: Early Career Fellowships, Intermediate Fellowships and Senior Fellowships. Eligibility *Eligibility limit covers the entire range of Clinical and Public Health Research Fellowship schemes ❖ No age or Nationality restrictions. ❖ The candidates need not be resident...
Postdoc Fellowship via Lilly Innovation Fellowship Award (LIFA)
Dec. 28, 2015—The announcement below is about a post-doc fellowship award through the Lilly Foundation. For more information, see the website below and attached documents. Eli Lilly and Company is pleased to announce the opening of the 2015 Lilly Innovation Fellowship Award (LIFA) program, a competitive post-doctoral fellowship award. This program is designed to foster post-doctoral...
2016 Summer Mentorship at the American Center for Reproductive Medicine
Dec. 2, 2015—The American Center for Reproductive Medicine at Cleveland Clinic is offering a unique, highly integrated 7-week research internship to pre-med and medical students this summer from June 13 to July 29, 2016. This program strives to expose students to the fundamentals of clinical research as well as provide training in scientific writing and offer shadowing opportunities....
AIMBE Scholars Program looking for expert advisors for FDA
Nov. 18, 2015—The AIMBE Scholars Program enables distinguished postdoctorates in the medical and biomedical engineering fields to serve as expert advisors to policy makers at the FDA. Scholars learn how to apply their experiences from the lab bench to inform regulatory policy decisions. AIMBE Scholars work side-by-side with the most influential decision makers at the agency–from reviewers...
ORISE Fellowships…. a great opportunity!
Nov. 3, 2015—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), Division of Laboratory Sciences (DLS), is seeking Summer ORISE Fellows to focus on public health issues related to the environment. Candidates will join projects associated with developing and applying new methods to characterize and quantitate biochemical markers that are relevant in environmental exposures and chronic diseases. The fellowship carries a stipend of approximately $2,700 per month for full-time undergraduate student fellows and $3,400 for full-time graduate student fellows. Qualifications...
NSF EAPSI Program for US Students in Science and Engineering
Oct. 12, 2015—The National Science Foundation (NSF) East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Fellowship Program provides U.S. graduate students in science and engineering with an opportunity to spend 8 weeks (10 weeks for Japan) during the summer conducting research at one of the seven host locations in East Asia and Pacific: Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New...
New Insight Data Fellows program added
Oct. 2, 2015—Announcing a new Insight Data Science Fellowship for Seattle, LA, Austin, Chicago, DC, and other cities across the US. The Insight Data Science program is excited to announce a new remote program designed to help PhDs looking for careers as data scientists which they are launching in addition to our in-person programs in New York City and Silicon Valley. This...
Apply September 28-October 13 for the Presidential Management Fellows program
Sep. 15, 2015—The Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF) is a prestigious leadership development program designed to help advanced degree candidates and advanced degree holders enter a career in the US Federal Government. Selected PMF Finalists are eligible to work in a managerial/ administrative role (not research) at a range of government agencies. PMFs perform valuable service while jump-starting their careers, and get full...
List of science policy fellowships
Sep. 8, 2015—Interested in a career in science policy? A policy fellowship or internship is a great stepping stone to a career in this area. This blog post from Discover has a list of science policy internship and fellowship opportunities for scientists and engineers. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/intersection/2009/04/09/policy-fellowships-for-scientists-engineers/#.Ve8OSxFVhBe
Apply for the 2016 AAAS Fellowship Program
Sep. 3, 2015—The AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF) provide opportunities for professional development and public service. AAAS, as part of its mandate to advance science and serve society, operates the S&T Policy Fellowship Program. The aim is to foster scientifically informed, evidence-based policy and practice by involving scientists and engineers from a broad range of...
CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) recruiting new class of officers
May. 28, 2015—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is now recruiting for the next class of EIS officers. The application period is open through August 17, 2015. EIS is a 2-year fellowship in applied epidemiology that offers a unique combination of on-the-job-learning and service. EIS officers, often called CDC’s “disease detectives,” conduct...
From Vanderbilt to AAAS Fellowship Information Panel
May. 13, 2015—The AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships provide opportunities for scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills in the federal policy realm. Learn about the opportunities, process, and outcomes from the personal experiences of alumni Hillary Hager Carter, Nicole Garbarini, and Efrain Garcia as well as current...
Applications now accepted for Insight Health Data Science Fellows Program in Boston
Apr. 23, 2015—If you're interested in a career in data science, check this out! The Insight Data Science program has just announced the inaugural session of a new Insight Health Data Science Fellows Program, focused on data science in healthcare and the life sciences, to be based in Boston, starting on July 6. There is an unprecedented amount...
ASM Communications and Marketing Fellowship
Oct. 9, 2014—The ProgramThe American Society for Microbiology’s Department of Communications and Marketing Strategy has an opening for an ASM Headquarters Fellow. The Department provides a variety of communication services for the Society including press relations, public outreach and centralized marketing functions. The fellow will focus on public outreach and increasing member involvement in public outreach. During...