‘Work-Life Balance’
Audition for the Vanderbilt Commodore Orchestra
Jul. 18, 2022—The Vanderbilt Commodore Orchestra is a student-run orchestra that brings together talented performers from the entire Vanderbilt community to share great music. The orchestra is inviting auditions for the fall semester. Auditions are open to all Vanderbilt undergraduates, graduate and professional students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. If you play a classical instrument and want to...
“Why Does My Professor Go By ‘Jim’? Understanding U.S. Social and Cultural Norms”: Biomedical International Community Event
Apr. 15, 2022—The Vanderbilt International Researchers Alliance (VIRAL) board members and BRET International Trainee Support team are excited to host a session on this topic presented by Ms. Andrea Pietrzyk, Assistant Director of Student & Scholar Engagement in the ISSS office at Vanderbilt University. Join us for this virtual session on April 26th at 1:00 p.m. to learn about social and cultural...
NIH OITE Mental Health Series – Depression and Depressive Disorders
Feb. 10, 2022—The NIH OITE continues our series on the mental health and well-being of the biomedical research community with a webinar on depression and depressive disorders on February 7th at 3:00pm. The webinar will explore the spectrum of depressive experiences, from feeling down to clinical depression, and significantly impaired functioning. Additionally, the webinar will share tips, tools and resources...
Work-Life Workshops Spring 2022
Jan. 12, 2022—The Work–Life Workshops for faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdocs is a lecture-based lunch program that covers a blend of self-care and professional development topics such as navigating organizational politics, mindfulness and stress management, salary negotiation strategies, and more. Presented by the Vanderbilt Women’s Center.
Critical Conversations Series Spring 2022
Jan. 12, 2022—Don’t miss this wonderful discussions with the Vanderbilt Academic Life Coach, presented by the Vanderbilt Graduate School
Childcare Options Program, October 7
Sep. 28, 2021—Our graduate students with children are in a difficult position going back to on campus in person learning as they may have childcare concerns if their children are not able to go to school or day care and they do not have access to all of the options that faculty/staff do. Vanderbilt Child and Family...
Creating Work-Life Sustainability, with Donielle Buie
Sep. 23, 2021—We are excited to welcome Donielle Buie virtually on October 4 to hear about how to navigate success in our work-lives and maintain a sustainable pace for both. Following her seminar, Donielle has also offered her time to meet with individuals for a deeper discussion on a variety of topics related to career and life...
2021 Women in the Academy: Getting to the PhD: What I Know Now (That I Wish I Knew Then)
Sep. 9, 2021—Getting to the Ph.D.: What I Know Now (That I Wish I Knew Then) Bianca Manago, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology Kendall Park, Assistant Professor, Owen Graduate School of Management Savanna Starko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy Wednesday, September 22 12:00–1:15 PM Zoom sign-up here
Take a short survey for VU ASM!
Sep. 7, 2021—The Vanderbilt University student chapter of the American Society for Microbiology (VU ASM) invites you to take a short survey to determine programming priorities for the 2021-2022 academic year. VU ASM strives to promote microbiology research at Vanderbilt, engage in community outreach, establish collaborative networks, and provide support for student and postdoc career development. Membership and participation in...
Academic Life Coach and UCC Peak Performance Series, Fall 2021
Aug. 25, 2021—Peak Performance Workshops facilitated by staff from the University Counseling Center and the Academic Life Coaches. This workshop series is designed to promote expert performance by exploring common issues impacting graduate and professional students and postdocs. During each session, we will briefly cover theory and research on the topic and provide a space for attendees...
Vanderbilt Women’s Center Work Life Workshops, Fall 2021
Aug. 25, 2021—The Work–Life Workshops for faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdocs is a lecture-based lunch program that covers a blend of self-care and professional development topics such as navigating organizational politics, mindfulness and stress management, salary negotiation strategies, and more.
Raising the BARS: Becoming A Resilient Scientist offered this Fall
Aug. 11, 2021—Raising the BARS: Becoming A Resilient Scientist A program modeled from the NIH OITE Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series, sponsored by the BRET Office and UCC-BRET Liaison Vanderbilt Course Facilitators: Beth Bowman, PhD (BRET) and Tamaki Silver, Psy.D. HSP (UCC-BRET Liaison) Dates: Mondays, 2:00-3:00pm: September 20, October 11, November 1, November 22, and December 13 Audience:...
Demystifying Mental Health Support: a webinar for STEMM graduate students
May. 7, 2021—Join us on May 12 at 1-2 p.m. ET for “Demystifying Mental Health Support: a webinar for STEMM graduate students.” The webinar, the second in a series on graduate student mental health, will briefly outline common mental health challenges for STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) graduate students, then focus on strategies for managing mental...
Vanderbilt Women’s Center Work-Life Workshops, Spring 2021
Feb. 11, 2021—The next session of Work- Life workshops will be: Leadership Skills Krystal Clark, Director, Employee Learning and Organizational Effectiveness Wednesday, February 17, 12:00 p.m. CT Please sign up here.
NIH OITE Mental Health Series – Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders
Jan. 28, 2021—The next installment of the NIH OITE mental health series takes place on February 1, 2021 at 1:00 – 3:15 EST. This month we will focus on anxiety. The lecture will include details on physical symptoms of anxiety, as well as common contributors to anxiety including perfectionism, imposter fears, cognitive distortions, and negative self-concept. Culture and...
Raising the BARS: Becoming A Resilient Scientist
Jan. 12, 2021—Raising the BARS: Becoming A Resilient Scientist A Pilot Program from the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) A virtual workshop sponsored by the BRET Office and the ASPIRE Program Vanderbilt Course Facilitators: Faith Bishop, Beth Bowman, Ashley Brady, and Kate Stuart Dates: Mondays, 1-2:30pm: February 1, February 22, March 15, April 5,...
Virtual NIH Seminar Series: Mental Health and Well-Being of Biomedical Researchers
Sep. 23, 2020—Please join the NIH OITE on October 5, 2020 from 1:00 – 3:30 pm EDT for the first of a virtual seminar series focused on the mental health and well-being on biomedical researchers. The webinar and small group discussions are open to students, fellows, staff and faculty at NIH, universities and research institutions. The topic...
Work-Life Workshop: Reducing Zoom Fatigue in COVID-19, Sept 22
Sep. 2, 2020—Tuesday, September 22 2020 at 12:00 PM Sponsored by Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center Elizabeth Meadows, Associate Director, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSdjsNQof-DHTmb_vS9I6ATzQE9qezwE7K5E793M8TKkAbLg/viewform
Need a space during a meeting with the ASPIRE Team?
Jun. 26, 2020—We know that sometimes it is hard to talk confidentially about your career in this unprecedented time of Zoom, especially when you are in the lab surrounded by your colleagues. If you are on campus and need a quiet place to have your Zoom meeting with an ASPIRE team member, let us know and we...