‘Academic Search’
Daring to Lead: Women’s Pathways in Higher Education
Mar. 13, 2025—The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center’s monthly Women in the Academy series announces: Daring to Lead: Women’s Pathways in Higher Education Melissa Gresalfi, Ph.D., Dean of Residential Colleges and Residential Education and Dean of the Martha Rivers Ingram Commons Jeremi London, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Academic Opportunity Jill Stratton, Ph.D., Assistant Provost for Academic Support and Community Engagement...
IRACDA at UCSC and CSUMB: Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Careers in Biomedical Sciences
Mar. 2, 2022—Date(s) March 4, 2022 (11AM-12PM PT, via Zoom) May 25, 2022 (11AM-12PM PT, via Zoom) Registration Links Registration link for March 4 here. Registration link for May 25 here. Program Summary Our program is one of 21 NIH-funded Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA) programs in the nation that prepare postdocs with the foundation for successful careers...
Explainer: hard vs. soft money
Feb. 4, 2022—You may hear academics throwing around terms like “hard money” and “soft money” when talking about salaries. What do these terms mean, anyway? This blog post explains the difference.
Spring 2022 Women in the Academy Series
Jan. 11, 2022—Authenticity in the Job Search: Finding a Job and Remaining True to Yourself Lauren Easterling, Director of Trainee Services, Indiana University School of Medicine Thursday, January 27 12:00–1:15 p.m. Zoom sign up here.
Article: Tips for Successful Screening Interviews
Dec. 8, 2021—Gaeun Seo, senior associate director of graduate student career development in the Center for Career Development at Princeton University, shares some insights to help early-career job candidates better prepare for this stage of the faculty hiring process in his article from “Inside Higher Ed”: Tips for Successful Screening Interviews
Job Opportunities: Assistant Professor of Biology and Biology/Anatomy & Physiology, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Sep. 23, 2021—Belmont is currently hiring for 3 biology positions as well as Biology/Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry. To learn more, see additional openings and to apply, please see job postings at: https://belmont.csod.com/ats/careersite/search.aspx?site=10&c=belmont Assistant Professor of Biology We are now accepting applications for a qualified Assistant Professor of Biology at Belmont University. Employment Type Faculty Internal Job...
2019-2020 North American Faculty Job Market Survey
May. 6, 2020—We hope you consider participating in this important survey about the faculty job market. https://und.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9nIisIlMqqrYlTL Last year a group of former and current postdocs launched a collaborative study to bring transparency to the overall stressful and opaque process that is the faculty job market. You can find our previous work as an open access preprint,...
Event: SLACs and You: Teaching at a Liberal Arts College
Jan. 22, 2020—SLACs and You: Teaching at a Liberal Arts College Sponsored by the Graduate School Career Development Thursday, January 30th, 2020 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Alumni Hall, Rm 201 Speaker: Lee M. Jefferson, PhD (Vanderbilt PhD alum, Religion), Nelson D. and Mary McDowell Rodes Associate Professor of Religion at Centre College Register Here Join us for...
Practice Faculty Interviews with Roger Chalkley
Dec. 13, 2018—In the months of January, and February on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8am, Roger Chalkley is offering to help postdocs who are currently interviewing for research faculty jobs by doing an individual practice interview session. Participants must have a faculty position currently scheduled for academic faculty positions at a research institutions. If interested, you will...
Event: Women in the Academy “Negotiating an Academic Job”
Nov. 15, 2018—The next session of the Fall 2018 Women in the Academy will be held on Wednesday November 28: “Negotiating an Academic Job” Melissa Thomas-Hunt Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence Wednesday, November 28 12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Sarratt 216/220 Lunch provided on a first-come basis
Job Opportunity: Full-time Faculty Position, Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty, Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN
Apr. 27, 2018—This position offers an exciting opportunity to join an innovative, student-centered academic pharmacy program. The Department has active research space in a state-of-the-art Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center and has an established collaborative partnership with Vanderbilt University that includes a PharmD-to-PhD Pathway Program in pharmacology. Lipscomb University seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and...
Life on the Tenure Track: Lessons from the First Year Talk on March 1st
Feb. 21, 2018—Life on the Tenure Track: Lessons from the First Year Thursday, March 1st 201 Alumni Hall; 4:10 – 5:30 pm Guest Speaker: Dr. James M. Lang Presented by the Graduate School REGISTER HERE Dr. Lang is a professor of English and the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. ...
Women in the Academy–Power and Boundaries–January 24
Jan. 11, 2018—Don't miss the next Women in the Academy workshop presented by the Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center: “What Are the Limits? Power Dynamics and Boundaries in the Academy” Alyssa Hasty, Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Melissa Thomas-Hunt, Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence Cara Tuttle Bell, Director, Project Safe Center for Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response...
Microaggressions in the Classroom
Jan. 3, 2018—Microaggressions in the Classroom Thursday, March 22nd from noon to 3:00 PM Vanderbilt Center for Teaching 1114 19th Avenue South, 3rd Floor Classroom When teaching, it is almost guaranteed that microaggressions will take place. These seemingly small, ostensibly singular manifestations of oppression can deleteriously effect the teaching-learning environment, our students, and ourselves. As common as...
Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement
Jan. 3, 2018—Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement, Monday, January 22, 3:00–4:00pm, Vanderbilt Center for Teaching 1114 19th Avenue South, 3rd Floor Classroom In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students & Postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve...
Teaching Statements: an expansive guide via the VU Center for Teaching
Jan. 2, 2018—If you are not sure where to begin or your current one needs some work, this Vanderbilt Center for Teaching website covers a lot of useful ground on Teaching Statement execution, evaluation, and exercises. Don't miss out on this excellent resource: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/teaching-statements/
The next Women in the Academy Workshop will be Wednesday November 29th!
Nov. 15, 2017— “Negotiating Your First Academic Job” Dana Nelson, Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of English Wednesday, November 29 12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Buttrick 123 Lunch provided
Academic Interview Preparation via the Graduate School
Oct. 16, 2017—Academic Interview Preparation Sponsored by the Graduate School Open to Graduate Students and Postdocs Wed., Oct. 18 4:00 – 5:30 pm Alumni Hall 201 Register: https://goo.gl/RvW2FY The special guest will be four faculty members from a wide variety of disciplines who have led or served on search committees. At this workshop, you’ll learn more about...
The next Women in the Academy Workshop will be Thursday October 19th!
Oct. 5, 2017— “Getting to the Ph.D.: What I Know Now That I Wish I’d Known Then” Brittany Allison, SyNERGI Postdoctoral Fellow, The Graduate School Amanda Clayton, Assistant Professor of Political Science Jessie Hock, Assistant Professor of English Thursday, October 19 12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Buttrick 123 Lunch provided
Academic Job Search via Graduate School
Sep. 11, 2017—Academic Job Search (for Graduate Students and Postdocs) Thurs, Sept 21 4:00 – 5:30 pm 201 Alumni Hall Registration encouraged: https://goo.gl/forms/uxX5r3Sz8A1XHKsB3 Fall is the season for the academic job market. Whether you are applying for assistant professor positions or postdoctoral fellowships this year or are planning ahead for the future, this will help you know...