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Pharmacology Graduate Program Alumni

First Name Last Name VU Deg/ Date Advisor Current Position
Erika Adkins Scholl PhD 2000/12 Blakely Principal Scientist, NeuroAdjuvants, Inc.; Salt Lake City, UT AND Research Associate, ADD Program, University of Utah
Kyle Arneson PhD 2007/12 Roberts Medical Resident, Vanderbilt
Laurent P. Audoly PhD 1997/05 Breyer Discovery Biologics Site Lead – Executive Director; Merck BioVentures
Jennifer Edl Ayala PhD 2008/12 Conn (On Maternity Leave from VU); Postdoctoral Fellow; Vanderbilt Univ.
Leomar Ballester PhD 2007/05 George Postdoctoral Fellow/Medical Student, University of Puerto Rico
Jeffery R. Balser PhD 1990/03 Roden Vice-Chancellor for Health Affairs; Dean, School of Medicine; The James Tayloe Gwalthmey Professor of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology; Vanderbilt University
Eric L. Barker PhD 1992/05 Sanders-Bush Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs; Associate Professor; Medicinal Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacology; Purdue University School of Pharmacy
Joey V. Barnett PhD 1986/05 Kuczenski Vice Chair of Pharmacology; Director of Graduate Studies in Pharmacology; Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Medicine, Pediatrics & Microbiology & Immunology; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN
Josh Barnett PhD 2011/08 Penn attending medical school at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN
Stanley L. Barnwell MD/PhD  1983/04; 1983/05 Sastry Assoc Prof of Neurological Surgery & Diagnostic Radiology @ Dotter Instiute; Oregon Health Sci Univ.
Andrea Bauman PhD 2000/12 Blakely Oregon Health Sciences Univ.; Casey Eye Institute
Carol L. Beck PhD 1993/12 Robertson Asst. Professor; Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics; Assistant Dean, Jefferson College of Graduate Studies Jefferson Medical College
Michael Benneyworth PhD 2007/05 Sanders-Bush Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Psychiatry; Harvard Medical School
J. Kelley Bentley PhD 1986/04 Garbers Research Assistant Professor; Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine; The University of Michigan Medical School
Stuart A. Berney PhD 1974 Mentor: Corp. Pharmacy Director; Access Health Systems; Nashville, TN
John C. Besse PhD 1966/01 Bass Associate Professor Emeritus; Department of Pharmacology; Univ of AL-Birmingham
Michael R. Bishop MD/PhD 1975/1975 Mentor: Gynocologist; Women’s Health Alliance LLC; Nashville, TN
Mary Blair-Holbein PhD 1981/05 Hardman Clinical Pharmacologist; Department of Internal Medicine; Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
Jeffrey B. Blumberg PHD 1974 Mentor: Director, Antioxidants Research Laboratory Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; Tufts University
Michael R. Boyd MD/PhD 1975/ 1975 Mentor: Abraham Mitchell Chair and Director and Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, USA College of Medicine  
Ashley Brady PhD 2003/08 Limbird Associate Director of Development; Biomedical Research; Vanderbilt University Medical Center Development
Cynthia Brame PhD 1999/05 Roberts Assistant Professor of Biology; Centenary College of Louisiana
Alan P. Breau PhD 1983/08 Mitchell/Neal (Pathology/Biochemistry) Senior Director of BA & DMPK; Metabasis Therapeutics Inc La Jolla, CA
Joshua Brooks PhD 2009/05 Morrow Postdoctoral Fellow; University of California, San Diego
Christopher Brown PhD 1997/12 Barnett Asst. Prof.; Pediatric Cardiology; Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Molly Fricke Brown PhD 2010/05 Mathews Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Deborah J. Burks PhD 1990/06 Garbers Team Leader, Molecular Neuroendocrinology Laboratory, Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe, Department of Molecular Endocrinology, Valencia, Spain
Michael Burleigh PhD 2004/05 Linton School of Nursing; University of TN, Memphis,Possibly: Administrator; Community Anti-Drug Coalition of Jackson County (LinkedIn)
Colleen M. Burns Niswender PhD 1996/05 Emeson Research Asst. Professor w/Jeff Conn; Drug Discovery; Vanderbilt University
Kevin D. Burris PhD 1991/09 Sanders-Bush Senior Research Advisor; Eli Lilly & Co.; Indianapolis, IN
Robert Carson PhD 2001/08 Robertson Medical Resident, Neurology, Vanderbilt Univ. 
Mary K. Carter PhD 1955/09 Greig Emeritus Prof of Pharmacol; Tulane Univ Sch Medicine; New Orleans LA
Brian P. Ceresa PhD 1995/06 Limbird Asst. Professor; Dept. of Cell Biology; Univ. of Oklahoma Health Science Ctr
John W. Chambers PhD 1965/08 Bass Professor and Chairman; Department of Pharmacology; WV Sch of Osteopathic Med; Lewisburg WV
Mike S. S. Chang PhD 2000 Sanders-Bush Business Analyst; Clovis Pharmaceuticals
Charles H. C. Cheng PhD 1971/01 Sastry Sr Research Pharmacologist; Merrell Dow Pharmaceut Inc; Cincinnati OH
George Chung-Ych Chiou PhD 1967 Mentor: Professor and Director; Institute of Ocular Pharmacology; Texas A&M Health Sciences Center; College Station, TX
Sameer Chopra Ph.D. 2007/08 Roden Clinical Fellow, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston
Michael Christensen PhD 2002/08 Strange Regional Medical Scientist; Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals; Nashville, TN
Hsin Richard Chu PhD 1997/03 Sanders-Bush Associate Professor; National Defense Medical Center; Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
David J. Clark PhD 1990/08 Limbird David Clark, M.D., Ph.D.; Assistant Professor; Dept. of Anesthesia; Stanford University School of Medicine
Sergio Coffa PhD 2011/08 Gurevich Pharmacology Patent Examiner at the US Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, VA
Leigh Compton PhD 2006/05 Barnett Research Fellow; Biochemistry Department; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN
P. Jeffery Conn PhD 1986/04 Sanders-Bush Professor of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University
Thomas M. Connolly PhD 1983/07 Limbird Translational Scientist; Wyeth
Eugene A. Conrad PhD Year: Bass Sr Dir Clin Research; The Purdue Frederick Co ; Norwalk CT
Donald C. Davis PhD 1969/01 Heimberg Professor; Primary Care; Dept of Medicine; Emory Univ Clinic; Emory Univ Sch of Medicine; Atlanta GA
Eric Dawson PhD 2001/05 Wells Research Assistant Professor; Dept. of Biochemistry; Vanderbilt Univ
Jay Desgrosellier PhD 2004/05 Barnett Postdoctoral Fellow, Scripps/UCSD, San Diego, CA
Steven E. Domino PhD 1989/01 Garbers Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Director, Women’s Health and Gynecology Surgery, Ann Arbor Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center; Associate Program Director, Michigan BIRCWH interdisciplinary research career development program; Associate Program Director, Ob/Gyn Health Services Research training program; Associate Chair for Research Career Development, Department of Ob/Gyn.; Medical Science I; University of Michigan Health System; Ann Arbor, MI
Roy Lee Dorris PhD 1969/06 Bass Professor Emeritus; Dept. of Pharmacology; Baylor Coll of Dentistry; (Texas A&M Health Science Center); Dallas TX
Clara E. Dunn PhD 1953/09 Greig/Holland Mrs. Fred Grunwald (housewife)
Stephen W. Edwards PhD 1999/08 Limbird Systems Biologist; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC
Cathy Lynn Kusan Ellis PhD 1978/07 Oates No Longer with Phillip Morris
Brett English PhD 2010/05 Blakely Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Teresa M. Esterle PhD 1991/08 Sanders-Bush Private Practice M.D. at West Side Pediatrics Inc; Cincinnati, OH – Pediatrician with privileges at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital; Cincinnati OH 
Yi Feng PhD 2005/12 Emeson Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute; University of Pennsylvania; Dept. of Cancer Biology; Philadelphia, PA
Joshua Fessel PhD 2004/05 Roberts Medical Resident, Department of Medicine; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN
Julie Field PhD 2010/05 Blakely Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
David F. Fitzpatrick PhD 1969/06 Landon Associate Professor; Dept of Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Univ of So FL Sch of Med; Tampa FL
Carolyn M. Fleming-Fruci MD/PhD 1991/10 1993/06 Branch/Wilkinson Private Practice; Carolina Health Care; Florence, SC
Leonard R. Forte, Jr. PhD 1969/01 Landon Professor; Dept of Medical Pharmacology & Physiology; Univ of MO Sch of Medicine; Columbia MO
Joanne M. Fraser PhD 1980/05 Wood Director of Clinical Operations; Promius Pharma; Bridgewater, NJ
John Jay Freeman PhD 1972/08 Sulser Associate Professor; College of Pharmacy; Univ of South Carolina; Columbia SC  
Richard W. Freeman PhD 1979/11 Harbison Assistant Professor; Dept of Pharmacology & InterdiscToxicol (SLOT 638); Univ AR for Medical Sci; Little Rock AR  
Roberta L. Friedman PhD 1983/03 Sanders-Bush Freelance Science Writer; Menlo Park CA
Dorothy W. Gallager PhD 1973 Mentor: Shane Creek Ranch LLC; General Manager; Columbus, MT ;   Retired from Vice President of Pharmacology, Neurogen Corporation; Branford, CT
Ling Gao PhD 2007/05 Morrow Senior Research Investigator, Bristol Myers Squibb; Princeton, NJ
Efrain Garcia PhD 2007/05 Sanders-Bush Senior Management Analyst; Department of Health and Human Services; American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Washington, DC
Bonnie Garcia PhD 2010/05 Deutch Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Gregory Gerdeman PhD 2001/12 Lovinger Postdoctoral Fellow; Univ. of Arizona, Health Sci. Ctr.; Dept. of Pharmacology; Tucson, AZ
Wayne C. Glasgow PhD 1988/03 Brash Basic Medical Science; Interim Chair; Mercer University School of Medicine; Macon, GA
Michael S. Grotewiel PhD 1995/05 Sanders-Bush Associate Professor; Department of Human Genetics; Virginia Commonwealth University; Richmond, VA
Scott Gruver PhD 2009/12 Chung Research Fellow in Systems Biology; Harvard Medical School; Boston, MA
Teresa S. Guthrie PhD 1992/08 Wells Unknown
Elizabeth Hackler PhD 2006/12 Sanders-Bush Publications Manager; Abbott Laboratories; Chicago area
James Randall Hansbrough PhD 1980/12 Garbers Graves Gilbert Clinic Board Certified Pulmonologist;  Bowling Green, KY
Susan Buckheister Hanson PhD 2005/12 Gurevich Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; My contact info is: Madison, WI
Aaron Hata PhD 2005/08 Breyer Medical Resident; Internal Medicine; Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Boston, MA
Lisa Hazelwood PhD 2004/08 Sanders-Bush Postdoctoral Fellow; Molecular Neuropharmacology Section; National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke; NIH; Rockville, MD
Eugene C. Heath PhD 1972 Mentor: Consultant; Regulatory Science Consultancy; Lincoln, NE
Kirsten Helmcke PhD 2010/05 Aschner (Peds/Pharm) Postdoctoral Associate; Duke University; Durham, NC
Lee Henage PhD 2006/05 Brown, A. High School Teacher, Charlotte Public Schools
George I. Henderson PhD 1973 Mentor: Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology; University of Texas Health Science Center; Dept. of Pharmacology; San Antonio, TX
Robert Ray Holcomb MD/PhD  1972/01; 1972/05 Bush Assistant Professor; Dept of Neurology; Div of Pediatric Neurology; Vanderbilt University; M.D. Vanderbilt Neurology Clinic; Nashville, TN
Bethany J. Holycross Gailliot PhD 1989/07 Jackson Research Scientist; Veterinary Biosciences; College of Veterinary Medicine; Ohio State University; Columbus, OH
Walter C. Hubbard PhD 1974 Mentor: Associate Professor of Medicine; Division of Clinical Pharmacology; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD 
Molly A. Hughes MD/PhD 1993/05 Brash Asst Prof Of Internal Medicine Department Department of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Department Code Md-Inmd Infectious Dis University of Virginia Health System;  Charlottesville, VA
Lori L. Isom PhD 1987/03 Limbird Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School; Director, Program in Biomedical Sciences The Department of Pharmacology; University of Michigan Medical School; Ann Arbor, MI 
Aaron J. Janowsky PhD 1982/04 Sulser Research Career Scientist, VA Medical Center, Portland; Professor, Psychiatry, Behavioral Neuroscience; nce University, and Research Career Scientist VA Medical Center Portland OR 
Eric Neal Johnson PhD 1998/08 Funk Senior Research Fellow; Department of Automated Biotechnology, Merck Research Laboratories, North Wales, PA
James P. Johnson, Jr. PhD 1999/12 Bennett Senior Research Scientist, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Sen-Thu Kau PhD 1975 Mentor: ICI Pharmaceuticals Group; Dept. of Pharmacology; Wilmington, DE
Jeffrey R. Keefer MD/PhD 1993/05 Limbird The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Ped Hematology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR,
Matthew E. Kennedy PhD 1994/12 Limbird Senior Principal Scientist, Merck Research Labs AND Senior Principal Scientist, Dept. of Neurobiology, Schering-Plough Research Institute, Kenilworth, NJ
Susanne Kloeker PhD 1998/12 Wadzinski Postdoctoral Fellow, Depts. Of Oncological Sciences and Biology,The Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, Dept. of Biology
Howard R. Knapp MD/PhD 1981; 1977/05 Oates ; Deaconess Billings Clinic; Billings, MT
Karen Knoth-Deal MD/PhD  1993/12; 1995/05 Tamkun Research Assistant Professor; Neurosurgery Department; Vanderbilt University
Curtis K. Kost, Jr. PhD 1991/01 Jackson Assistant Professor; Renal Pharmacologist; Division of Basic Medical Sciences; University of South Dakota; Vermillion, SD
Arlene Kray PhD 2005/12 Wadzinski Manager of Clinical Science; Novum Pharmaceutiacl Research Services AND Freelance Editor; BioMed Proofreading, LLC
Chia-Jen Kuan PhD 1989/03 Jackson Staff Research Associate Department:Epidemiology University of California, Irvine Office; Irvine, CA
Wai Lau PhD 1991/05 Watterson Unknown
Jongho Lee PhD 2002/08 Emeson Jongho Lee, MD, PhD; Professor; Department of Pharmacology; College of Medicine; Hallym University; Chunchon, Kangwon-do,
Daniel C. Liebler PhD 1984/04 Guengerich Professor; Dept. of Biochemistry; Vanderbilt University 
Theodore E. Liston PhD 1985/03 Roberts Vice President, PGRD; Vice President, Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics & Metabolism; Central Research; Pfizer Global Research & Development; Groton CT  
Kai Liu PhD 2005/12 Roden Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School; Division of Neuroscience; Children’s Hospital; Boston, MA
Jonathan T. Lu PhD 1996/10 Emeson Assistant Professor; Columbia University Medical School; New York, New York 
Andrew Lundquist PhD 2005/08 George Medical Resident; Internal Medicine; Massachusetts General Hospital; Boston, MA 
Richard L. Maas MD/PhD  1984/04; 1984/05 Oates Professor and Chief; Division of Genetics, Dept. of Medicine; Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Harvard Medical School;  Boston, MA 
Leigh B. MacMillan PhD 1996/03 Limbird Science Journalist; News & Public Affairs; Vanderbilt University Medical Center;
Lauren Manderfield PhD 2008/12 George Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Pennsylvania
Bernardo Mantilla-Plata PhD 1975 Mentor: Unknown
Joy Purdy Marlo PhD 2006/05 Desai Stay at home mom
Elizabeth A. Martinson PhD 1986/12 Wells Scientific Collaborator; Institute of Physiology; Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany
V. John Massari PhD 1975 Mentor: Prof. of Pharmacology; Howard University; Washington, DC
Michelle Mazei-Robison PhD 2005/08 Blakely Postdoctoral Fellow; UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dept. of Psychiatry in Dallas (Eric Nestler’s lab) Dallas TX
Jamie McConnell PhD 2007/12 Wadzinski Postdoctoral Fellow (Wadzinski lab); Dept. of Pharmacology; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN
Thomas J. McCown PhD 1979/07 Barrett Research Associate; Gene Therapy Center; UNC Chapel Hill; UNC School of Medicine; Chapel Hill NC
Lori McGrew PhD 2002/05 Sanders-Bush Associate Professor, Biology; Belmont University; Nashville, TN 
Randall E. Miller PhD 1982/07 Guengerich President & CEO; Dermal Systems International; San Francisco Bay area
Sunita Misra PhD 2008/08 George Assistant Professor of Medical Geriatrics, VUMC, Nashville,TN
Jerry Rae Mitchell MD/PhD  1968; 1969/06 Oates President & CEO; Clinical Trials Research Inc.; Research Triangle Park, NC
Philip L. Mobley PhD 1978/06 Sulser President; Dome Research Laboratories; San Antonio TX
Brian P. Mullaney PhD 1991/10 Skinner Novartis Pharmaceuticals Crop. – Oncology; Florham Park, NJ
Franklin Mullins PhD 2002/08 Balser Instructor of Pathology; Stanford Clinical Lab; Palo Alto, CA 
John J. Murray PhD 1979/06 Reed Assoc. Vice President for Clinical Research; Professor of Medicine; Professor of Biomedical Sciences; Meharry Medical College; Nashville, TN
Phillip S. Mushlin PhD 1980/04 Boerth Assoc. Professor of Anesthesia; Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Harvard University Clinical Faculty;  Newton MA
Regina Myers PhD 2005/12 Sanders-Bush Health Industries Advisory Practic; PricewaterhouseCoopers; Atlanta, GA
Scott Myers PhD 2006/12 Chung Spinal Cord Injury Research; University Of Lousville, KY
Timothy D. Myers PhD 1980/03 Boerth Mgr of Science & Tech Affairs; Hoechst-Roussel; Houston TX
Mingwei Ni PhD 2011/12 Aschner Surgical Resident of General Surgery at New York Hospital Queens in Flushing, NY
Hilary Highfield Nickols PhD 2004/12 Limbird Medical Resident-Neuropathology; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN
Sarah Nordstrom PhD 2007/12 Vaugha Postdoctoral Scholar; University of California at San Francisco 
John N. Norton PhD 1991/12 Skinner John N. Norton, DVM, PhD; Associate Professor; Department of Pathology; Duke University Medical Center; Durham, NC
Jodi M. Nunnari PhD 1988/12 Limbird Professor; Department: MCB; Univ of California; Davis, CA 
Richard F. Ochillo PhD 1977/04 Sastry Program Director, MARC-USTAR; Professor; Department of Biology; School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences; Morgan State University;  Baltimore, Maryland
Duane L. Ochs, D.V.M. PhD 1983/05 Reed Private Practice;  LaVergne TN
William Oldham PhD 2006/08 Hamm Medical Resident; Department of Medicine; Massachusetts General Hospital; Boston, MA
Harold Olivey PhD 2003/12 Barnett Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago
Richard D. Olson PhD 1978/06 Boerth Research Associate Professor; Medicine/Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine; Univ of Washington; Chief of Cardiovas Pharmacol; Clinical Pharmacol Unit; VA Medical Center; Boise ID 
Joseph O. Olubadewo PhD 1976 Mentor: Ahmadu Bello Univ.; Dept. of Pharmacology; Zaria, Kaduna, NIGERIA
Lisan Parker PhD 2003/12 Shieh Liaison for the Working Group on New Drugs; TB Alliance/World Health Organization;  New York, NY
John G. Partridge PhD 2000/08 Lovinger, D. Research Assistant Professor; Georgetown University Medical Center; Washington, DC Metro area
Christina I. Petersen PhD 1999/08 DeFelice University of Minnesota
Kimberly Petrie PhD 2004/05 Deutch Assistant Professor of Medical Administration; BRET Director of Career Development; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN 
Matthew J. Picklo PhD 1995/06 Robertson Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Professor; Dept. of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Therapeutics; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry; University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences;  Grand Forks, ND 
Colleen E. Piersen PhD 1993/05 Wells Colleen E. Piersen, Ph.D., MBA; Assistant Head for Administration; Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy; University of Illinois at Chicago; College of Pharmacy; Chicago, IL
Sunny Sen Po MD/PhD 1993/12; 1986/06 Bennett Professor of Medicine; Director, Clinical Electrophysiology; Associate Director, Heart Rhythm Institute; University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; Oklahoma City, OK
Amy S. Pong-Kennedy PhD 1995/03 Wells Inflammation Department; Discovery Technologies Department; Schering-Plough Research Institute; Kenilworth, NJ
Daniela Popescu PhD 2006/12 Shieh Research Associate; Department of Neurosciences; Case Western Rewserve University; Cleveland, OH
Raymond D. Price PhD 2001/05 Sanders-Bush Freelance Medical Writer AND Editor, The Prices Write, Paris, France
Aaron Przybysz PhD 2009/08 Roberts Medical Student; Michigan State University
Scott Ramsey PhD 2001/12 DeFelice Asst. Professor; Physiology & Biophysics; VA Commonwealth Univ.
Kelie Reece PhD 2010/05 Wadzinski Postoc; National Cancer Institute
Erin Reich Smith PhD 2001/05 Mentor: Works from Home
Steven L. Roberds PhD 1992/03 Tamkun Senior Principal Scientist; Pfizer, Inc.; Global Research & Development; Chesterfield, MO
Casey P. Robinson PhD 1971/01 Sastry Professor Emeritus; Oklahoma College of Pharmacy
Susan E. Robinson PhD 1976 Mentor: Professor; Medical College of Virgina; Dept. of Pharmacology/Toxicology; Richmond, VA
Chris Rogers PhD 2002/12 George Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Iowa; Roy J & Lucille A Carver College of Medicine; Department of Internal Medicine; Iowa City, IA
Jennifer Ronesi PhD 2005/12 Lovinger Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Philip M. Rosenbloom PhD 1969/01 Bass Philip Rosenbloom, MD, PhD; Louisville, KY.  Private practice of general surgery; Clinical instructor, Department of Surgery, University of Louisville
Barry N. Rosloff PhD 1975 Mentor: Pharmacologist; US Food & Drug Admin.; Rockville, MD
Susan M. Rueter PhD 1997/09 Emeson Senior Scientific Writer, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals; Collegeville, PA
Elizabeth Rula PhD 2008/12 Emeson Clinical Research Writer and Manager; Healthways, Inc.; Franklin, TN
Elaine Sanders-Bush PhD 1967/08 Bush Professor; Department of Pharmacology; Vanderbilt University
Chris Sansam PhD 2004/05 Emeson Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Cancer Research, MIT
Emily M. Santori PhD 1982/06 Schmidt Scientist; Tanabe Research Laboratories, USA; San Diego, CA
Micheal J. Schmidt PhD 1971/05 Robison Founder and President; Dr. Bones Education Inc.; Indianapolis, IN (science education outreach company); Retired: Lilly Research Lab, Indianapolis IN
Andrew Schoenhard PhD 2002/08 Vaughan Cardiology Fellow; Vanderbilt University; Nashville, TN
David Jason Scholl PhD 2000 Wells Director; Toxicology & Pharmacology; SuperGen; Salt Lake City, UT
Nicole Lewellyn Schramm-Sapyta PhD 2000 Limbird Research Associate; Staff; Pharmacology & Cancer Biology; Durham, NC
Ann E. Segelken PhD 1992/01 Wells Research Scientist; WIL Research Labs Inc.; Ashland OH 
Karen Seibert PhD 1987/09 Roberts Vice President, Research; St. Louis Laboratories; Pfizer; St. Louis, MO
Henry Joseph (Joe) Sekerke, Jr. PhD 1970/05 Bush Toxicologist; Florida Dept. of Health; Div. of Environ. Health; Tallahassee, FL
Suzanne J. Sessoms-Sikes PhD 1999/05 Lovinger Assoc. Director fro Academic Programs; DCSE, Duke Center for Science Education; Dept. of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology; Duke University Medical Center;  
Hyeon-Gyu Shin PhD 2000/12 Murray, K. Korea Labor Institute, Republic of Korea
Jana Shirey-Rice PhD 2010/05 Conn Postdoc; Vanderbilt University
Michael O. Shoemaker PhD 1992/07 Watterson Captain, Scientific Research Department, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD
Layton Smith PhD 2002/08 Vaughan Director of Pharmacology; Burnham Institute for Medical Research at Lake Nona; Orlando, FL;
Adaline C. Smith Liau PhD 1981/10 Harbison Adaline C. Smith, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.; Staff Scientist; National Cancer Institute; Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis; Toxicology and Pharmacology Branch; Bethesda, MD
Charles T. Spalding PhD 1969/01 Sastry Albuquerque, NM
Robert C. Speth PhD 1976 Mentor: Professor; Pharmaceutical Sciences; College of Pharmacy; Nova Southeastern University; Ft. Lauderdale-Davie, FL
Elke Stein PhD 1996/06 Daniel Associate Professor in MCDB and Cell Biology; Dept. Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology; Yale University; Kline Biology Tower-232; New Haven , CT
Clifford Carl Stephan, Jr. PhD 1988/02 Sastry Head, Central Screening Core Lab; Univ. of Texas Health Science Center; Houston, TX
Michel W. Stevens PhD 1978 Mentor: Unknown
Brett Stillman PhD 1999/01 Breyer, R. Staff Scientist, Schleicher & Schuell Bioscience, Inc., Keene NH
Samuel J. Strada PhD 1970/08 Sulser Dean; Univ of South Alabama; College of Medicine; Mobile AL
Kevin A. Strait PhD 1986/05 Kuczenski Research Assistant Professor; Office: School of Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT
Robert B. Strecker PhD 1974 Mentor: Needles, CA
Mohammed Amin Suria PhD 1971/05 Hurwitz Senior Professor (Neuropharmacology) Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research; University of Karachi. Pakistan
J. David Sweatt PhD 1986/01 Limbird Professor and Chair; Department of Neurobiology; University of Alabama at Birmingham; Birmingham, AL
Jerome S. Tannenbaum PhD 1979/10 Nies M.D., Ph.D., FACP; Sanderling Healthcare, LLC; Nashville, TN
Andrew Tapper PhD 2001/12 George Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Brudnick Neuropsychiatric Research Institute; Department of Psychiatry; UMass Medical School; Worcester, MA
Osama Sadik Tayeb PhD 1981/06 Sastry Professor; School of Med & Allied Sci; Dept of Pharmacology; King Abdul Aziz University; Saudia Arabia 
William Thiel PhD 2008/12 Anderson Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Iowa
Todd Townsend PhD 2008 Barnett Postdoctoral Fellow; Yost Lab; University of Utah; Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy; Salt Lake City, UT
Ching-Jiunn Tseng PhD 1988/07 Robertson Ching-Jiunn Tseng, M.D., Ph.D.; Professor and Director; Department of Medical Education and Research; Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Manami Tsutsumi PhD 1989/05 Sanders-Bush Senior Assoc. Director of Project Management; Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceutical Inc.; New York area
Che-Se (Phoebus) Tung PhD 1983/07 Robertson Che-Se Tung, M.D., Ph.D.; Professor in Physiology; National Defense Medical Center; Taiwan, R.O.C.; Joint Investigator and Chairman; Medical Research Center; Cardinal Tien Hospital; Taiwan, R.O.C.
Heather Tynes Roselli PhD 2000 Vaughan Stay at home Mom/Crafts Designer
Victor Uebele PhD 1997/08 Tamkun Senior Research Biologist; Merck Research Laboratories; West Point, PA
Andrea Lynn Utz MD/PhD 2000 Mentor: Instructor in Medicine; Massachusetts General Hospital; Endocrinology, Boston, MA
David S. Von Hagen PhD 1965/02 Hurwitz Retired: Adjunct Assistant Professor; Department of Pharmacology & Physiology; NJ Coll of Medicine; Newark NJ
Mary Vore PhD 1972 Mentor: Professor & Chair; University of Kentucky; Graduate Center for Toxicology; Lexington, KY
Bryan Voss PhD 2007/08 Hamm Staff Scientist/Research Associate; Cumberland Pharmaceuticals; Nashville, TN
Larry A. Walker PhD 1979/04 Frolich Director of the National Center for Natural Products Research; Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Professor of Pharmacology; School of Pharmacy; University of Mississippi
Weiguang Wang PhD 2011/08 Yang Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at UCLA
Ronald L. Wange PhD 1991/08 Exton Reviewer; Division of Metabollic and Endocrine Drug Products Pharmacology Team; Center for Drug Evaluation and Research; US Food & Drug Administration; Rockville, MD
George B. Weiss PhD 1962/01 Hurwitz Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology at the New Jersey Medical School (Newark, NJ) and Adjunct Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (Piscataway, NJ).
Larry T. Welch PhD 1968/01 Bush Retired; Grand Rapids, MI
Ryan S. Westphal PhD 1995/03 Sanders-Bush Senior Research Scientist; Neuroscience Drug Discovery; Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute; Wallingford, CT
Matthew H. Wilson PhD 1999/08 Limbird Asst. Professor; Dept. of Medicine, Section of Nephrology; Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, TX
Amy L. Wilson-Delfosse PhD 1991/05 Limbird Associate Professor; Dept. of Pharmacology; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Tammy Wingo PhD 2004/05 Balser Director, Business Analytics; Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital; Nashville, TN
Craige C. Wrenn PhD 1999/12 Wiley Assistant Professor of Pharmacology; College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; Drake University; Des Moines, IA
Juan Xing PhD 2009/12 Strange Postdoc; Dr. Jim Putney’s lab; NIEHS
Ming Xu PhD 2006/05 Emeson Postdoctoral Fellow; Department of Molecular Biology; UT Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX
Xiaohui Yan PhD 2008/12 Strange TBA
George G. Yarbrough PhD 1972 Mentor: TRH Therapeutics LLC; Portland, OR
Xiaoyan Yin PhD 2004/12 Strange Postdoctoral Fellow, Scripps, San Diego, CA
Eun-Ja Yoon PhD 2007/12 Hamm TBA, Recently had baby
Zheyong Yu PhD 2005/12 Brash Postdoctoral Fellow, HHMI; Washington University; St. Louis
Yong Luke Zhang PhD 1989/09 Wells Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer; GLG Life Tech Corporation; Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Jeffrey B. Zimmerman PhD 1984/09 Jackson Indpendent Internet Professional; San Francisco Bay Area
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