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Program Overview

Goals of the Training Program

Training in Pharmacological Sciences at Vanderbilt University pursues several inter-related goals. At the scientific level, we seek to provide a didactic curriculum that assures that each student has an understanding of the core knowledge in pharmacology, including the molecular, cellular, and integrated understanding of drug action, receptor theory, pathways of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and rational drug design.

Additional goals in our training program are to:

  • show, by example, how to construct a rational hypothesis;
  • know how to apply the scientific method to test a hypothesis;
  • provide a basic understanding of a broad range of techniques;
  • provide more in-depth training in those techniques that are particularly germane to a chosen research area of each student;
  • communicate effectively research findings to the scientific community, and
  • instill a scientific ethic and respect for the pursuit of knowledge.


Other aspirations of the Pharmacological Sciences Training Program are:

  • to foster the ability of students to learn how to learn on their own for the rest of their lives, a skill critical for continued excellence in scientific inquiry,
  • to free students from the fear of failure, and
  • to impart to students an appreciation for diversity.


Each of these latter goals is essential for sustained contributions and leadership in any career, and particularly in biomedical research.


Note: Students receiving Vanderbilt University financial support (stipend) must devote full-time to graduate study to the exclusion of other employment. Students cannot accept jobs for pay within or outside the University unless prior approval is given by their advisor, Director of Graduate Studies, and the Graduate Dean. Engagement in outside employment or failure to obtain approval for University employment may result in loss of financial aid (stipend). 


The Pharmacological Sciences Training Program participates in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Biomedical Sciences (IGP) and the Quantitative and Chemical Biology Program (QCB).

First Year

  • Students in the IGP program spend the first year in an interdisciplinary core course that blends insights in current topics on bioregulation with fundamental principles governing cell structure and regulation of biological processes. This course also provides exposure to the basic principles underlying modern laboratory techniques.
  • During the IGP year, students take four flexible research rotations to familiarize themselves with the science, personality, and working environment in the laboratories of potential research advisors.
  • Elective coursework is available in the spring semester.
  • Students in the QCB program typically have earned undergraduate degrees in chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering, or mathematics, and in their first year participate in coursework in one of four areas of interest, Chemical Biology, Structural Biology & Molecular BiophysicsSystems Biology, and Imaging Science.
  • In April of the first year, students select an advisor and a graduate program such as Pharmacological Sciences and begin focused laboratory research during the first summer.


Second Year Through Completion

  • For those students who select the Pharmacological Sciences Training Program, additional course work is focused on the core knowledge in pharmacology, including the molecular, cellular, and integrated understanding of drug action, receptor theory, pathways of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and rational drug design. All courses are taught by faculty.
  • Laboratory research continues nearly full-time during the second year of coursework and comprises the student’s entire efforts in subsequent years of study.
  • Students are encouraged from the outset to understand science as a question-asking process and to acquire skills in posing questions, selecting and designing appropriate experimental strategies, and outlining possible outcomes and interpretations. This conceptual framework is the basis of didactic course work, experimental design, journal club presentations, and in scientific presentations at the annual fall departmental retreat, student-invited spring Pharmacology Forum, and national meetings.


How to Apply

Individuals pursuing a PhD in the basic biomedical or biological science departments, including Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University, join these departments following completion of their first year through the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Biomedical Sciences (IGP) or the Quantitative and Chemical Biology Program (QCB).

Potential Pharmacology students may access the Graduate School’s website where they will gain important and relevant general information. This website also gives information about how to apply.

For information on the IGP program itself or the application process, please visit the Biomedical Research Education and Training (BRET) website.