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Apply now for the ASCB short course on Managing Science in the Biotech Industry

Posted by on Thursday, March 12, 2015 in Uncategorized .

The American Society of Cell Biology will again be offering a 2015 course for PhD students and postdocs called Managing Science in the Biotech Industry: An Intensive Course for Students and Postdocs. The course will be held July 12-24, 2015, at the Keck Graduate Institute in California. The course will introduce PhD scientists to the culture and infrastructure of life sciences companies and to the competencies needed to thrive in industry. All 40 participants accepted into the program will receive free tuition, housing, and daily meals. 50% of travel costs will sponsored by EMD Millipore Corporation. To apply, you must be a member of the ASCB and submit a personal statement, CV, and recommendation letter. The deadline is April 15, 2015. Visit the program website for details.

** Please note: if you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please let us (the BRET Office of Career Development) know if you are accepted! The Vanderbilt ASPIRE program has travel scholarships available for qualifying students and postdocs, and we may be able to support the remaining portion of your travel.

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