‘Nonacademic Search’
Panel discussion with PhD alumni about navigating the nonacademic job search
Nov. 5, 2021—The Vanderbilt Career Center is hosting a panel discussion with three Vanderbilt doctoral alumni about navigating the nonacademic job search. Graduate students may register through DoreWays on the Career Center website. Interested postdocs may refer to the most recent e-newsletter from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs for instructions on tuning into the discussion.
Job Opportunity: The Tennessee Department of Agriculture chemistry lab-Chemist positions; CLOSES TOMORROW 5/9/17!
May. 8, 2017—CHEMIST (2 positions), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES DIVISION, DAVIDSON COUNTY Education and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor's degree in chemistry and experience equivalent to one year of full time professional work as a chemist. Substitution of Education for Experience: Additional graduate coursework in chemistry may be...
Job Opportunity: Healthcare Research Project Manager – BioVU
May. 3, 2017—Healthcare Research Project Manager – BioVU Under direct supervision, oversees small projects or phases of larger projects. Responsible for coordinating activities of project team, identifying appropriate resources needed, and developing schedules to ensure time completion of project. Effectively coordinates the activities of the team by becoming familiar with system scope and project objectives, as...
One-week intensive bioscience course, July 9-15, 2017, at the Keck Graduate Institute
Apr. 10, 2017—The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), in partnership with the Keck Graduate Institute, is offering a one-week intensive bioscience course from July 9-15, 2017, at the Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, CA. The course will introduce PhD scientists to the skills they need to thrive in industry and will expose them to the culture,...
“PhD Careers in Think Tanks,” VersatilePhD panel discussion, April 3-7
Mar. 27, 2017—PhD Careers in Think Tanks April 3-7, 2017 STEM PhDs can positively impact society by working in "think tanks", non-academic research organizations that influence public policy around an important issue or cluster of issues. Think tanks hire PhDs to conduct and evaluate studies and help develop policy recommendations. Versatile PhD will host a free AMA-style...
CTTC Medical Device Lunch and Learn Lecture March 28th
Mar. 14, 2017—Please join us Tuesday, March 28th from 11:45am to 12:45pm at Light Hall 202 for a lunch and learn hosted by Vanderbilt's Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization(CTTC) and the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE). Ashley Wittorf, Executive Director of AdvaMed Accel, will be our featured speaker. She will discuss: “How the role of government affects efforts...
AAAS ScienceCareers Job Fair to be held in Boston in conjunction with 2017 Annual AAAS meeting
Jan. 11, 2017— Science Careers Job Fair A Day of Job Opportunities and Career Workshops Date: Friday – February 17, 2017 Location: Hynes Convention Center, Room 210; Boston, MA Time: 11:00 am – 4 pm Learn More JOB SEEKERS! Science Careers and AAAS offer an exciting career event at the 2017 AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts....
Utilizing Versatile PhD over the Holidays
Dec. 19, 2016—Vanderbilt has a partnership with the helpful resource, Versatile PhD. As we head into our winter breaks, consider these ideas for how to take advantage of downtime: USE THE PHD CAREER FINDER TO EXPLORE NON-ACADEMIC CAREERS Anyone can read the descriptions in the PhD Career Finder, even without institutional access. Each description is short, clear and...
The Job Search for International Students
Jan. 15, 2016—The search for internships and post-graduate employment can be quite challenging for international students. This workshop, sponsored by the Graduate School, will help you understand the process and will address how to use all available resources to help you compete effectively in the job market. Registration requested: http://goo.gl/forms/vommx92dGO This workshop will focus on graduate students, but...
Advice for crafting a compelling cover letter
May. 8, 2015—The following two articles are a "must read" for everyone who will need to write a cover letter, now or at some time in the future. (That's you, right?) "Dear Dr. Neufeld" from ScienceCareers is written by a professor from the University of Waterloo who has grown frustrated with the letters of inquiry he has received from...
Download latest Career Trends booklet by ScienceCareers/AAAS
Jan. 16, 2015— If you are considering making the move from the lab, you are not alone. This transition is taking place at all career levels, spurred by different motivations. Whatever the reason, many have successfully taken this road, and so can you. Learn More: Download your free copy of the newest PDF booklet in our Career Trends series, Exploring Careers Beyond...
PhD Jobs: How To Transition From Academia Into Business
Sep. 17, 2014—“I sent resumes to over 200 companies during my last year of graduate school and heard back from exactly zero of them. It was embarrassing. And confusing. I guess I just assumed that big corporations would fall all over themselves trying to hire me once I had a PhD. Not so much. Getting my PhD turned...
5 Most Promising Biotech Jobs By 2022
Jul. 10, 2014—In this recent article from BioSpace, Angelina Rose explains the 5 most promising biotech positions by 2022: Biomedical Engineer, Biostatistician, Biochemists and Biophysicists, Nuclear Technicians, and Medical Scientist. “Foretelling the future of the American workforce is difficult—unless you’re a psychic with a crystal ball. The rest of us must rely on an array of data if we want to predict where the best...
How do I tell my PI?
Apr. 21, 2014—Grad students and postdocs are often apprehensive about talking to their faculty adviser about their career interests, especially if their interests lie outside the “traditional” career path of becoming a tenure-track professor at a university. But did you know that only ~15% of biomedical sciences PhDs go on to become tenure-track professors? That’s right… 85%...
Versatile PhD’s “PhD Career Finder”
Mar. 11, 2014—Learn more through Versatile PhD’s Career Finder:
“Planning a Career in Today’s Landscape” article by Kenneth Gibbs
Jan. 30, 2014—November 2013 PhD Career Connections speaker Kenneth Gibbs shares his experience when he made the nerve-wracking decision to step away from lab science, highlighting his non-traditional journey since. When, after completing my Ph.D. in immunology, I told colleagues and mentors that I had accepted a position as a Science & Technology (S&T) Policy Fellow at the American...
“Careers in Finance for STEM PhDs” panel through The VersatilePhD
Jan. 29, 2014—There are many roles for science and math PhDs in the finance industry, a broad category that includes banking, investing, real estate, insurance and other finance-related fields. Quantitative analysis, risk assessment, model-testing, etc. are critical to all finance industry endeavors. Many STEM PhDs (not just mathematicians) have enough of those skills to enter the field....
PhD and Master’s Virtual Career Fair
Jan. 10, 2014—Meet employers live in a virtual setting… Open to PhD & Master’s Students, Postdocs, and Alumni. Sponsored by the Graduate Career Consortium Schools To register and for more information, visit the Career Eco site.
New Beyond the Lab video series interviews VU PhD alumni about their career path
Nov. 11, 2013—Check out our new Beyond the Lab video series showcasing the careers of our PhD and postdoctoral alumni! In Beyond the Lab, the BRET Office of Career Development interviews Vanderbilt PhD and postdoctoral alumni about their career path since leaving VU. Each 10-20 minute video features a different alumnus describing his or her job and providing advice...