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Volunteer with VSVS!

Posted by on Friday, August 26, 2016 in Uncategorized .

Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science is a service organization in which Vanderbilt students go out in groups of 4 or 5 to teach middle school children in metro Nashville schools science lessons. These lessons are quite simple and are all detailed in a manual which is provided for every team member. VSVS requires a VERY LOW TIME COMMITMENT: only about 10 hours a semester. This encompasses four 1 hour lessons and two short training sessions from a team leader to learn the lessons. There is NO GRADING involved; as a team member you simply attend the lessons and teach the part assigned to you by your team leader. Overall, VSVS is a very rewarding experience because it is a fun way to work with children who look up to their VSVS teachers as role models, as well as a good way to work with undergraduates without being a TA. VSVS is a great opportunity if you are interested in education, science, service, or getting teaching experience for your CV so please consider joining this organization! More information can be found on the website at

Our signup deadline is Monday, September 5th. 

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