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ASPIRE Internship: SyBBURE Searle Undergraduate Scientific Advisor (To start Summer 2017 or Fall 2017)

Posted by on Friday, March 17, 2017 in Uncategorized .

ASPIRE Internship Opportunity:

SyBBURE Searle Undergraduate  Research Program
Scientific Advisor

Vanderbilt University Campus

Logo.pngThe SyBBURE Searle Undergraduate Research Program ( supports the year-round research of a diverse group of students and provides a culture of creativity, innovation, and teamwork that serves to incubate the minds of the next generation of scientists, engineers, researchers, and inventors.

Positions are available for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to serve in the role of Scientific Advisor to undergraduate researchers in the SyBBURE Searle program. The time commitment for this role is approximately four hours per week and compensation is provided. While we will consider individuals from all areas, we have a particular need for individuals with knowledge in synthetic biology, genetics, computational modeling, computer science, and diagnostics.

Position Description:

1. Serve as a sub-group leader to a group of undergraduate students (generally 4-8 students)

  • Mentor undergraduate students (who work on projects with faculty across Vanderbilt) by engaging in weekly meetings during the summer and every two weeks during the school year
  • Mentor your group of students outside of the regularly scheduled meetings when necessary
  • Motivate student progress on their independent research projects
  • Provide scientific and professional feedback to students
  • Assist students in connecting with others to find solutions and new avenues for their projects
  • Be a scientific role model by sharing your best practices
  • Identify opportunities relevant to students h. Encourage students to think critically and take ownership of his/her project

2. Contribute to the creative, innovative, team-based culture and program management

  • Communicates effectively and regularly with members of the SyBBURE team
  • Creates new processes and methods to allow the program to run more effectively
  • Contributes to the creation of a community where the students are accepted, supported, inspired, and encouraged
  • Assists with planning and conducting program elements and initiatives
  • Provide ideas to enhance the mission of the program


  • PhD candidate or Post-doctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt
  • Desire to mentor, train, and educate young scientists both in scientific and professional development aspects
  • Able to provide feedback in a constructive manor
  • Patience
  • Sense of humor
  • Cultural fit with the program
  • Ability to commit for a full year with the potential to renew

Internship Details:

  •  Internship is paid, part-time (appx 4 hrs per week)

DEADLINE To APPLY: noon, May 15, 2017

For a printable flyer on this opportunity, please click here.

To apply or to learn more, please contact:

Christina C. Marasco, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of the Practice, Biomedical Engineering
Director, SyBBURE Searle Undergraduate Research Experience
Deputy Director of Education, Professional Development and Innovation, VIIBRE Vanderbilt University 


Please review ASPIRE Internship FAQs: Found here
​For further questions, please contact Ashley Brady (

Eligibility requirements

  • Applicants must be a current Vanderbilt University PhD student or a current postdoctoral fellow.
  • All PhD students must have completed all coursework for their degree prior to the start of the internship.
  • Biomedical PhD students must also have passed their qualifying exams before the application deadline.
  • Students and postdocs may not participate in more than one internship at a time.  More than one application may be submitted at a single time, but only one position can be accepted. 
  • If you are not in a department supported by the BRET office, we will also require that you complete a form guaranteeing PI approval to participate in this program.  Please contact Ashley Brady at for more information.
  • If you are an international student or postdoctoral fellow, your visa status may affect your work eligibility. Please contact Ashley Brady ( to discuss this further.

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