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Internship: Medical and Scientific Writing Intern, Whitsell Innovations

Posted by on Thursday, January 17, 2019 in Announcements .

Whitsell Innovations, Inc. is a full-service medical and scientific writing company.

We are seeking interns with writing talent, a strong work ethic, a passion for science, and a desire to learn about written communication in a regulated environment.

Application and more information can be found here:

❖ Because WI provides a wide range of medical writing services, interns will have the opportunity to participate in regulatory writing and review, slide deck preparation, abstract and manuscript preparation, etc.  Interns will learn to work with FDA/ICH guidance documents, AMA style, and individual client style guides.

❖ An intern will be assigned a specific WI employee as a mentor for coaching and feedback. Interns will also have the opportunity to work with other WI employees, as determined by the intern’s interest, project volume, and project availability.

❖ Initially, all intern work will be supervised and reviewed before it is submitted to the client and all client interactions will be coached. Over time, interns may be given their own assignments and opportunities to interact directly with client companies.

❖ The internship program includes regular educational sessions either in person or via WebEx. These sessions provide an overview of specific documents and their styles, concepts that pertain to ethical and thoughtful medical writing, understanding regulatory guidance documents, and client management/communications issues and best practices.

❖ Whitsell Innovations, Inc. is a 100% telecommuter company. All employees and subcontractors work remotely. Self-discipline in a remote environment is essential.

❖ The goal of the internship program is to grow our talented employee pool. It is the expectation of WI that qualified interns will be considered for full-time employment upon completion of the internship program.


Details of Internship

❖ Internship is paid, remote.

❖ Approximately 10 hours per week devoted to WI projects and training – more hours may be available during high volume times.

❖ 18 month commitment

❖ Start date: April 24, 2019


Due to the nature of our work, an intern at WI will be required to:

✓ Sign a contracting agreement that includes

✓ Nondisclosure/confidentiality,

✓ Assignment of intellectual property to the client, and

✓ Non-solicitation and non-compete for direct employment or contracting from WI clients.

✓ Commit 18 months to the WI internship.


An intern at WI will be expected to provide:

  • A computer that has Microsoft Office Suite installed
  • A designated telephone.

The availability of equipment will not drive a decision in terms of selection of a suitable candidate.


1/1/19 – Applications open

3/1/19 – Applications close (no exceptions)

4/1/19 through 4/12/19 – Interviews

Week of 4/15/19 – Notifications

4/24/19 – Tentative first day



Darlene McCollum, Executive Administrative Associate, Whitsell Innovations, Inc.


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