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Hello PhD podcast Episode131: How to Host a Dissertation Defense On Zoom

Posted by on Saturday, July 4, 2020 in Announcements .

It’s finally here! The day you’ve been preparing for for the last five years!

Your experiments are finished, papers published, and your dissertation has been typed, referenced, printed, and distributed. Now, it’s time to stand proudly before your committee and a room full of peers to defend your work and be dubbed a Doctor of Philosophy!

At least, that’s how things used to be done before COVID-19 and social-distancing.

Now, you have to do all the experiments, writing, and publishing, and then convince your audience to MUTE THEIR !@#%@% MICROPHONES so you can hear the committee’s questions on your Zoom defense!

Find more Podcasts at Hello PhD: A podcast for scientists and the people who love them


Other Resources highlighted in the podcast include this article on The Rise of the Virtual PhD Defense featured in Inside Higher Ed and tips from Ashton Merck, PhD from Duke University, who has shared her insights in a google document that has been shared widely after defending her PhD in history in March 2020.

Dr. Merck’s advice could apply equally to a variety of formal presentations you may find yourself giving via video conferencing over the coming months, and even includes information you can share with your  audience, whether it’s your department colleagues, dissertation committee or  job interviewer,  to make things run more smoothly.


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